The QQ pet & critters thread...


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We are at a restaurant in Finland. Meet "Spot."

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He's a very friendly reindeer.
We were in Finland in 1984, as part of a “vacation of a lifetime” that included Leningrad, as it was called at the time. We did a “midnight sun” trip to Rovaneimi, which was pretty cool, too, but bring extra mosquito repellant!

My basic takeaway of Finland - Everything was clean and everything was in working order. Well, that and some very pretty ladies!
Lamar sacked out in my office.

My first post, I think.
My dog Winston is a pain in the ass.
My wife is in Portugal for a week and Winston won't leave me alone.
He's old, 14 years, and I know he misses his Mom, but geez, he follows me all around the house, barks at 4am, what a pain.
I know, he misses her, but dang, extra work for me in my bachelor week.
Follows me all up and down the house.
Anyway, he is a good ol' boy, I just needed to vent.
Not pets but critters. I’ve been in this house for four years, and a couple of days ago we had our first monaech butterfly sighting. The milkweed is falling over, so I doubt that that had anything to do with it, but I’m still glad to see a species that is seemingly in peril. I also saw a badger running through my back yard. It didn’t stick around for me to get a picture, either. First sighting of one of those, too.

Our house isn’t in the sticks, although we have an irrigation canal running behind the house that is definitely a hangout for mallard ducks and Canada geese.
Yes but Griffin is a notoriously bad hunter. He will catch mice but always let’s them get away. The one mouse he killed, he played with till it was dead then would not eat it. Griffin is the strangest cat we have ever had, as far as hunting ability. Good thing we don’t have a mouse problem.