The QQ pet & critters thread...


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Bought this behemoth for Charlotte and Stash several years ago
This is the second time i've seen Ms. Charlotte in this specific part of the cat tree!
Lamar has had a really tough stretch last 3 weeks. Won’t go into detail, but he’s nearly back to normal. He’s my best buddy and can’t imagine life without him.
Glad to hear he's doin well partner.
A good cat is the best friend a man can have ever.
A couple years back I lost my bud of 20 years and she
was the light of my life. I'm finally looking into getting
another one in the near future, just waiting for the right
one to come along.
I stopped by a fav hangout of mine, the Cat Cafe here in
Clermont. It's a little coffee house with an attached cat adoption
center next door. They always have about 20 cats there looking
for a home. Many are younger kittens with a few older also. have my eye on one now thats almost 4yo. Her owner just passed away
recently and they won't let her go till she mellows over the loss.
Anywho, neat place to hang out and throw a few dollars to help support
the lost souls. I love going there.
Here's a picture of my best love, Tiki
I know she looks like a pedigreed but she was only a little lost ally kitten when I found her
I hope she's enjoying life on the other side. ;)
The resident possum, Pepper, has now had four babies in each of the last four years. Little Pepper, Peppercorn, Pepperpot, and now Peppermint, peeking over Mum's back while Pepper munches on a banana. All of them eventually get used to me climbing up the ladder with fruit (and here's a link back to when I first posted a Pepper pic (The QQ pet & critters thread...)

The resident possum, Pepper, has now had four babies in each of the last four years. Little Pepper, Peppercorn, Pepperpot, and now Peppermint, peeking over Mum's back while Pepper munches on a banana. All of them eventually get used to me climbing up the ladder with fruit (and here's a link back to when I first posted a Pepper pic (The QQ pet & critters thread...)

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They being raised for dinner? JK
No, they're a protected species, and I don't eat animals anyway. Australia tends to be a fairly peaceful place, hardly any guns, no blood lust to shoot and kill everything in sight, including each other in mass killings every day.
All so true. But there are more creatures in Australia that can kill a human than anywhere else in the world.
No, they're a protected species, and I don't eat animals anyway. Australia tends to be a fairly peaceful place, hardly any guns, no blood lust to shoot and kill everything in sight, including each other in mass killings every day.
Possum are protected? Surprising, around here they overrun many areas like other rodents.
Each to there own, tomorrows my B-Day and I'm looking forward to going out for the biggest Porterhouse steak in town. YUMM.
God Bless the USA!
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