The QQ pet & critters thread...


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Possum are protected? Surprising, around here they overrun many areas like other rodents.
Australian possums are not native to the Americas, perhaps you're thinking of oposums (which are, but not related). Nor are the two species rodents, but marsupials. I guess you didn't learn that at school. I teach at a university, so if you'd like to be educated about things perhaps pm me and we can organise some lessons?
Trivial fact about songbirds: they all evolved from a common ancestor in Australia 24 million years ago, and "island hopped" their way across the world:

How songbirds island-hopped their way from Australia to colonise the world
Interesting read! I'm up for more lessons! Read the article to Ms Charlotte, who was decidedly less interested than when songbirds in surround was playing! I should have taken a video of her stalking the soundstage, searching for a morning repast!
Being the Australian possum and American opossum are descendants of a common American ancestor, they are, by definition, related.
Well, I was trying to keep the explanation simple for Sal. If the adaptive radiation of the two possum types followed the aftermath of the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event 65m years ago, then they are indeed related (as marsupials) in the sense of being in the same "Infraclass", but not related as they are of a different taxonomic "Order". It's a matter of how far back you want to go to say any two species are "related"; go back further still and us humans are also "related" to the possums as we're all mammals (but that's not very informative here).
Possum are protected? Surprising, around here they overrun many areas like other rodents.
Each to there own, tomorrows my B-Day and I'm looking forward to going out for the biggest Porterhouse steak in town. YUMM.
God Bless the USA!
  • Granny: How do you like yer possum, fallin' off the bones tender or with a little fight left in it?
  • Jed: That’s the thing about salted down possum, it’s just as good the next day.
Well, I was trying to keep the explanation simple for Sal. If the adaptive radiation of the two possum types followed the aftermath of the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event 65m years ago, then they are indeed related (as marsupials) in the sense of being in the same "Infraclass", but not related as they are of a different taxonomic "Order". It's a matter of how far back you want to go to say any two species are "related"; go back further still and us humans are also "related" to the possums as we're all mammals (but that's not very informative here).
This is why i don't mess with university professors . . . they are related to possums!
Even though he doesn't know one possum from the next.

Well, I certainly know the quadraphonic possom very well:

No, they're a protected species, and I don't eat animals anyway. Australia tends to be a fairly peaceful place, hardly any guns, no blood lust to shoot and kill everything in sight, including each other in mass killings every day.
Didn't Australia start as a penal colony? Not including the indigenous people that is.
EDIT: I never ate an opossum.
Since this is a pet thread, shouldn’t you post a picture of the cow instead of the cow parts? 😂

Happy birthday
If you insist. ;)
My aunt & uncle used to raise beautiful examples of mostly corn feed Angus in
NorthWestern Illinois like this. Don't see em like this down here in FL, mostly skinny
suckers that don't deserve to be butchered.
A lot of yummy steaks on the hoof with this big handsome guy. ;)
Thanks for the B-Day wishes.
