The QQ pet & critters thread...


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We got off topic here, so I'll post this picture of a bush turkey that we saw at a wildlife park in Australia. It is different than turkeys we see in North America.

4. Bush Turkey - Cleland Wildlife Park.jpg

Also, here is a baby joey that we saw en route to Uluru. Cute as the day is long!

8. Baby Joey on way to Uluru2.jpg
Last night: pet Emergency service visit

The office cat (Dot) likes to sleep on the doormat at our back door. Connie stepped over her to empty a ceramic crock pot, and it slipped out of her hands and shattered. Unfortunately, it made contact with Dot and broke a rear leg femur. She dragged herself through the house and hid under Sean's dresser. It could've been so much worse.

Needless to say, Connie feels terrible about this, so we are just trying to make our way through the situation. Waiting on surgeon appt.

It's a pretty clean break so as long as we get to it pretty soon, it should be fine. Dot (mother of Dash) is at least 17 years old, but no previous medical issues and the blood work was good. Cats are usually on a banana peel by this time, but I am confident she has much more time to go.
It's a pretty clean break so as long as we get to it pretty soon, it should be fine. Dot (mother of Dash) is at least 17 years old, but no previous medical issues and the blood work was good. Cats are usually on a banana peel by this time, but I am confident she has much more time to go
Oh my, a prayer that Dot comes out OK.
My Tiki was with me for 20+ years.
Dot (mother of Dash) is at least 17 years old, but no previous medical issues and the blood work was good. Cats are usually on a banana peel by this time, but I am confident she has much more time to go.
We had an adult stray adopt us, so we never had a good idea of her age, but she was with us for 21 years. Admittedly, she was an exception, but as an albino in southern Calofornia, she had a couple of bouts with skin cancers, so nine lives might not be an exaggeration.

I just hope it’s not diagnosed as curiosity.
Just got a call from the veterinary surgeon that well she did well initially, she has just passed from a cardiac arrest likely from the anesthesia. We were told this was a risk.

She arrived here in 2007 with 3 kittens, her age unknown. My idiot neighbor had traps under his house so two kittens went to animal control before we knew what happened. The third was Dash who grew up to be a big boy. He disappeared in 2018.

We referred to them collectively as Morse Code. They brought us joy for years. Back to processing grief now.
Just got a call from the veterinary surgeon that well she did well initially, she has just passed from a cardiac arrest likely from the anesthesia. We were told this was a risk.

She arrived here in 2007 with 3 kittens, her age unknown. My idiot neighbor had traps under his house so two kittens went to animal control before we knew what happened. The third was Dash who grew up to be a big boy. He disappeared in 2018.

We referred to them collectively as Morse Code. They brought us joy for years. Back to processing grief now.
Oh man oh man what a tragedy. I am pained because something similar happened to our Maddie the beagle 5 years ago. The grief can be crushing. I am so sorry.
Just got a call from the veterinary surgeon that well she did well initially, she has just passed from a cardiac arrest likely from the anesthesia. We were told this was a risk.

She arrived here in 2007 with 3 kittens, her age unknown. My idiot neighbor had traps under his house so two kittens went to animal control before we knew what happened. The third was Dash who grew up to be a big boy. He disappeared in 2018.

We referred to them collectively as Morse Code. They brought us joy for years. Back to processing grief now.
So sorry for your loss
Just got a call from the veterinary surgeon that well she did well initially, she has just passed from a cardiac arrest likely from the anesthesia. We were told this was a risk.

She arrived here in 2007 with 3 kittens, her age unknown. My idiot neighbor had traps under his house so two kittens went to animal control before we knew what happened. The third was Dash who grew up to be a big boy. He disappeared in 2018.

We referred to them collectively as Morse Code. They brought us joy for years. Back to processing grief now.
Condolences Timbre, I know the pain.
Just got a call from the veterinary surgeon that well she did well initially, she has just passed from a cardiac arrest likely from the anesthesia. We were told this was a risk.

She arrived here in 2007 with 3 kittens, her age unknown. My idiot neighbor had traps under his house so two kittens went to animal control before we knew what happened. The third was Dash who grew up to be a big boy. He disappeared in 2018.

We referred to them collectively as Morse Code. They brought us joy for years. Back to processing grief now.
Crap, sorry to hear this Tim. 😫
Just got a call from the veterinary surgeon that well she did well initially, she has just passed from a cardiac arrest likely from the anesthesia. We were told this was a risk.

She arrived here in 2007 with 3 kittens, her age unknown. My idiot neighbor had traps under his house so two kittens went to animal control before we knew what happened. The third was Dash who grew up to be a big boy. He disappeared in 2018.

We referred to them collectively as Morse Code. They brought us joy for years. Back to processing grief now.
So sorry to hear that. I recently lost two beloved kitties. Such pets are irreplaceable. I understand your pain.
Just got a call from the veterinary surgeon that well she did well initially, she has just passed from a cardiac arrest likely from the anesthesia. We were told this was a risk.

She arrived here in 2007 with 3 kittens, her age unknown. My idiot neighbor had traps under his house so two kittens went to animal control before we knew what happened. The third was Dash who grew up to be a big boy. He disappeared in 2018.

We referred to them collectively as Morse Code. They brought us joy for years. Back to processing grief now.
wow. so sorry
Just got a call from the veterinary surgeon that well she did well initially, she has just passed from a cardiac arrest likely from the anesthesia. We were told this was a risk.

She arrived here in 2007 with 3 kittens, her age unknown. My idiot neighbor had traps under his house so two kittens went to animal control before we knew what happened. The third was Dash who grew up to be a big boy. He disappeared in 2018.

We referred to them collectively as Morse Code. They brought us joy for years. Back to processing grief now.
I feel your pain, man. Sorry. We had a cat that the vet thought would make it to 21, but things went downhill when he was 17 and he died just shy of his 18th birthday...kind of like Dot. :(
Just got a call from the veterinary surgeon that well she did well initially, she has just passed from a cardiac arrest likely from the anesthesia. We were told this was a risk.

She arrived here in 2007 with 3 kittens, her age unknown. My idiot neighbor had traps under his house so two kittens went to animal control before we knew what happened. The third was Dash who grew up to be a big boy. He disappeared in 2018.

We referred to them collectively as Morse Code. They brought us joy for years. Back to processing grief now.
Memories have gotten me through a tough time like this. So sorry for your loss.
So sorry to hear that timber4. I feel your pain. It’s so hard losing beloved pets. The wife and I have found that after a grieving period the only thing that takes the pain away is filling that big empty hole in your heart with another kitten or puppy.
Peace be with you timber4.