The QQ pet & critters thread...


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The pets that we have had throughout our lives provide some of the best memories we have IMO and define our lives as much as anything else we have going on.
And if there is a heaven, our pets would have to be there waiting for us, or else how could it be "heaven"?
Sorry to hear of your loss Fracois, it does hit you really hard.
That was us this past week, I brought Dot's ashes home yesterday.
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Nosey neighbours. They have been driving my pair nuts with their blatant voyeurism
GOS Bodhi is a very smart dog. We started training him to bring in the newspaper shortly after we brought him home from the rescue. He has been doing this since he was 11 weeks old. Bodhi is the third dog we have trained to bring in the newspaper. It’s actually not that hard to train a dog to do this. You just have to start the training when the dog is a puppy.
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How does he know to do that?

It's like our cat Caesar we had when I was a kid. My mom worked at a restaurant and she would bring food home (mostly fish) for him. My dad would go pick her up from work as she didn't have her license yet. Caesar knew when the car was coming up the driveway and would be in the kitchen waiting for them to come in the door with his food.

He only did this at those times. Any other time the car came up the driveway, he would ignore it.

He also recognized the sound of either the electric can opener or a manual one running around the can lid.

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GOS Bodhi is a very smart dog. We started training him to bring in the newspaper shortly after we brought him home from the rescue. He has been doing this since he was 11 weeks old. Bodhi is the third dog we have trained to bring in the newspaper. It’s actually not that hard to train a dog to do this. You just have to start the training when the dog is s puppy.

Growing up my parents had a very rectangular 5 acre lot with the house towards the rear, up a hill. So it was a long driveway walk down to the street.

We also had a German Shepard named Silver & it was our job to get the morning paper for my dad. I'd go about 2/3rds the way down, yell "paper!" and Silver would find it & carry it back to the house.

This was kinda fun & dad was glad he didn't have to do it. All was good except for the giant wet spot soaking through the front page...