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So sorry to hear that timber4. I feel your pain. It’s so hard losing beloved pets. The wife and I have found that after a grieving period the only thing that takes the pain away is filling that big empty hole in your heart with another kitten or puppy.
Peace be with you timber4.
Thanks you are on the right track with that advice.
Yesterday we lost Dot (mother of Dash). My office cat of 16 years is now gone. I think of them together again as they used to be. \END

cats huddled.JPG
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Just got a call from the veterinary surgeon that well she did well initially, she has just passed from a cardiac arrest likely from the anesthesia. We were told this was a risk.

She arrived here in 2007 with 3 kittens, her age unknown. My idiot neighbor had traps under his house so two kittens went to animal control before we knew what happened. The third was Dash who grew up to be a big boy. He disappeared in 2018.

We referred to them collectively as Morse Code. They brought us joy for years. Back to processing grief now.
That had to be quite a shock, and I send my condolences.

Sadly, I’ve been there many times, the last time was about five years ago, and it was enough that I didn’t want another cat. Now we’re planning on a new member, probably late this year. It can take time.
Just got a call from the veterinary surgeon that well she did well initially, she has just passed from a cardiac arrest likely from the anesthesia. We were told this was a risk.

She arrived here in 2007 with 3 kittens, her age unknown. My idiot neighbor had traps under his house so two kittens went to animal control before we knew what happened. The third was Dash who grew up to be a big boy. He disappeared in 2018.

We referred to them collectively as Morse Code. They brought us joy for years. Back to processing grief now.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
That had to be quite a shock, and I send my condolences.

Sadly, I’ve been there many times, the last time was about five years ago, and it was enough that I didn’t want another cat. Now we’re planning on a new member, probably late this year. It can take time.
Indeed it was, thought we were in the clear and then got that last terrible phone call. I know that we will get another cat. Clara showed up here one day in 2018 about 3 weeks after Dash disappeared. (He would be gone for a day or two on some odysseys in the woods and never returned from last one) She helps with the hole in my heart from that loss, but Clara is not a lap cat or very friendly beyond me. So she needs one for sure when the time is right.

One last thought to express and I hope this is understood as intended. She was the last of our older cats; in the past 2 years we have lost Garfield, Simba, Buddy and now Dot. Simba and Buddy were suffering and we had to DECIDE when their lives would need to be ended. In Dot's case, it was not a decision on our part. Part of me says she had a few good years left, but nothing is ever certain. Time to pick up the pieces.
Indeed it was, thought we were in the clear and then got that last terrible phone call. I know that we will get another cat. Clara showed up here one day in 2018 about 3 weeks after Dash disappeared. (He would be gone for a day or two on some odysseys in the woods and never returned from last one) She helps with the hole in my heart from that loss, but Clara is not a lap cat or very friendly beyond me. So she needs one for sure when the time is right.

One last thought to express and I hope this is understood as intended. She was the last of our older cats; in the past 2 years we have lost Garfield, Simba, Buddy and now Dot. Simba and Buddy were suffering and we had to DECIDE when their lives would need to be ended. In Dot's case, it was not a decision on our part. Part of me says she had a few good years left, but nothing is ever certain. Time to pick up the pieces.
It’s a difficult decision to end a pet’s suffering. And there’s always second-guessing your decision, whether it was too early or too late. Buzz was about 18, so he was on the old side (like I am now), but with kidney failure, he was getting very listless, and he’d always been “kitten frisky” up to that point.

I didn’t think we’d get another cat (why get a cat that we’re going to love for a while, then have it killed?), but I’ve warmed to the idea, and now a catless household has to make the preparations for a cat that won’t go outdoors.
It’s a difficult decision to end a pet’s suffering. And there’s always second-guessing your decision, whether it was too early or too late. Buzz was about 18, so he was on the old side (like I am now), but with kidney failure, he was getting very listless, and he’d always been “kitten frisky” up to that point.
Garfield (my wife's #1 cat) had kidney failure too; so we actually had to pull the plug on him, once we learned the truth. The prior vet (used by our family for 35 years) claimed Garfield's blood work was fine, nothing to worry about. The 24 hour emergency staff told me there was no way possible the blood work could've been right with this impending kidney shutdown. After that incident, we never went back and found another veterinarian office we like.
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A tad late, but for all you ginger cat owners out there, last Friday, Sept. 1st, was International Ginger Cat Appreciation Day (look it up if you're sceptical). But it's never too late to shower your ginger with love.
I did look it up and, yes, it is "Ginger Cat Appreciation Day" but there are a slew of things listed as "_____ Day" for Sept 1st (and I assume every date is a "_____ Day" for somethings). Every day is something.

I find "Emma M Nutt Day" to be most intriguing.

Do we really need a "National Acne Positivity Day"?
I did look it up and, yes, it is "Ginger Cat Appreciation Day" but there are a slew of things listed as "_____ Day" for Sept 1st (and I assume every date is a "_____ Day" for somethings). Every day is something.

I find "Emma M Nutt Day" to be most intriguing.

Do we really need a "National Acne Positivity Day"?
Gadzooks! What a list. Thanks!
I am most intrigued by Chicken Boy Day...
About 20 years ago I lived in Sandy Arabia where there was a resident cat (Cinno) in the foreigner's compound, and who, I was told, would adopt a human upon their previous one leaving. She adopted me for the four years I was there, and chose to have a few litters along the way in my digs, often picking an open drawer to nurse them. She'd be long gone by now, and though I'm not a cat person, I do have very fond memories of her.

Cinno & Family in drawer 1.jpg
Just about anyone how grew up in or around Chicago remembers Chicken Man !

That's cool! I don't think I ever heard the first episode. But I did hear many others. Chicken Man made his way to the KC on WHB 710 AM radio.

I guess Chicken Boy grew up to be Chicken Man...
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