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This is Zinnia. She is 10 years old today. All American girl!


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Well, Jazz made it through the 4th just fine. We were in the theater (bonus room bijou) for much of the evening, and the noise didn’t seem to penetrate too much. Old episodes of Law & Order from the DVR.
Those colors are amazing, I bet they look even better in person. I never saw a cat with colors like that (y)
Those colors are amazing, I bet they look even better in person. I never saw a cat with colors like that (y)
She’s mostly brown and black, with (as noted above) patches that are clearly orange tabby poking through. Interestingly, the carpet in our house is quite similar in color and texture, so she can “hide” in it on occasion.

She likes to sit at the top of the stairs and look down (no idea why - she never explains anything), so I had to install a night light up there so we don’t trip over her in the dark.