The QQ pet & critters thread...


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As an adult, I've lost more than a few dogs and cats.
Though I do love the two we have now, I miss Cassie (Boston Terrier mix) & Samara (female Dobie) the most of those who have passed.
No that's a damnable lie. I miss them all.
I had to watch as they all died, except two cats I adopted after Mom passed, they both went out and died in the woods alone.
Listening to the one Boston Terrier crying in pain tore me up so bad I can't even relate.
We had a cat put down (about seven years ago now), and I can still hear the moan when the vet did the deed.

It doesn’t get easier. Ever.
They're not human, but pets are part of the family. We grieve when we lose them. I had a Betta several years ago named Fred. I wept when he died.

I hate to bring the thread down, but here's something some may find interesting:

I'm not saying I have The Shining or something like that, but when my brother passed, I woke up from a deep sleep and knew he was gone. In fact the time they put on his death certificate was 3:15am. I woke up at 3:13am.

Several years ago, my girlfriend at the time bought a Bernese Mountain Dog, Digby. He and I got really really close. So close that after she and I broke up, she would still invite me to come visit to spend time with him. It's an arrangement that my most recent ex and I have with our two cats, Cupcake and Sushi.

Anyway, I was at the Art Museum here in Houston one day. On Thursdays it is free, so I will sometimes go if I have a doctor's appointment as the museum district is right next to the medical center. Well, I was in the Asian section and was looking at a statue of The Buddha. I am not particularly religious, but for some reason that statue moved me tremendously. So much so that I started crying, and couldn't stop. I actually had to leave the museum. Well, the next day I got an email from Lisa (my ex) and she told me that Digby had died the previous day. Turns out that the time he died was around the same exact time I started crying in the museum. Now, I wouldn't come to me for lottery numbers or anything, but it shows the emotional and sometimes ethereal connection we form with our pets.
Katt is a real gift. Yes, i will miss her dearly when the time comes. Until then, all she gets is love, Love, LOVE
Clement so sorry to hear about Katt. As pet owners we all know what we signed up for at adoption. And we all know how it ends. All we can do is love them, enjoy them and treat them kindly.
And for me and my wife the only way to fill that gaping hole in your heart, when they are gone, is to fill it with another kitten or puppy.
Clement so sorry to hear about Katt. As pet owners we all know what we signed up for at adoption. And we all know how it ends. All we can do is love them, enjoy them and treat them kindly.
And for me and my wife the only way to fill that gaping hole in your heart, when they are gone, is to fill it with another kitten or puppy.
I SO appreciate your (and others) thoughts and words. I knew what i was signing up for adopting a 17-year-old, three-legged cat! She sure did work her way into my heart quickly. Lately, she's been spending the whole night with me! And because she is used to my showering her with attention, she demands more of it all through the night! She's a real cutie, even when she's depriving me of sleep! I took this picture as evidence since i've been dragging ass lately!
It's so cruel that our little buddies don't have the lifespan as we. I sometimes think that's because so many treat pets as garbage, and death is a release.
If I ever see anyone abusing an animal of any kind I would be sorely tempted to inflict the same abuse upon them.
When I see a dog chained up under a tree, with either no or very poor shelter it makes my blood boil. I have stopped and given (unwanted advice) on how cruel it is to chain a dog to a tree. Usually (no fuc**** always) I'm rebuffed and told to mind my own business. I tell them it's everyone's business.
People suck.
The mat at our side door says "Pets welcome, people tolerated".
When I was about 18-19 I was walking through the large Verulamium Park in St. Albans and bumped into a older friend from the pub walking a huge Alsatian, but it wasn't one of hers. I'm very much a dog lover, so made a fuss of it and started throwing it sticks, which it enjoyed chasing after and bringing back. I asked who's was it. It turned out she had literally just forced a huge guy (she was very petite) who was beating it with a metal chain :mad: to sell it to her! That dog was her guardian from that day onwards, and I was its good friend - which was lucky as once there were about 10 of us going to a party crammed in her car and she was driving, I had the dog in front of me which had a look on its face of, as its you, you can sit in my seat!
I’ve always tied my dogs to a pipe or post outside when I was working outside because they loved being out there with “daddy.”

But it was back into the house for them when I was done working.
Sure. But that's not abuse. I've seen people around my area where a poor dog is chained to a tree 24/7 in all kinds of weather.
I’ve always tied my dogs to a pipe or post outside when I was working outside because they loved being out there with “daddy.”
Sure. But that's not abuse. I've seen people around my area where a poor dog is chained to a tree 24/7 in all kinds of weather.

In fact my dogs considered it abuse if they were NOT outside with me. My poor girl dog would pace back and forth in front of the patio sliding doors if she was left inside. But I couldn't trust to leave her unleashed outdoors because she would take off after critters; thus she got chained to a pipe.
Sure. But that's not abuse. I've seen people around my area where a poor dog is chained to a tree 24/7 in all kinds of weather.
Now days you can call the police. In most places they take animal abuse seriously. It breaks my heart when I hear about people abusing animals. They are dependent on us for their care and if you're not going to care for them then you shouldn't have them.