Man - I really think this would be a sweet show....check out The Vic Theater in Chicago where he's putting on a show for 2 nights next year...
View attachment 23294
Looks way better than Bristol's Colston Hall where I'm going to see SW in January.
Man - I really think this would be a sweet show....check out The Vic Theater in Chicago where he's putting on a show for 2 nights next year...
View attachment 23294
Astounding King Crimson gig in Toronto! No quaddites replied as also attending... Am I the only one east of Chicago on this forum?! Easily worth the 6 1/2 hour drive, just wish that I had seen the other two nights of the show, as the setlist varied.
Folks told me that Mr. Fripp got very annoyed with people taking fotos Thursday night and walked off before the rest of the band. The band tried to accommodate concert goers by offering a brief, designated time for everyone to take their foto shots. Great strategy--still some idiots can't follow along or restrain themselves.
Ok just got tickets to a certain Mr. Steven Wilson At Massey Hall March 1. Six rows from the front.. Woohoo. Now please Mr soundman tone it down a little for this old man. Lol should be Outstanding.
We went to see Steve Hackett last night. It was my 3rd time seeing him in the last 5 years, so I knew it was going to be good.
The big unexpected surprise was that there was a significant surround aspect to the show! The setup reminded me of Steven Wilson's on the Raven tour. Like that show, the surrounds only stood out on a few songs.
The 2nd song he played was Out Of The Body, from the Wolflight album. I was mildly startled when the howling wolf effect at the beginning came from behind us. When a mellotron-like keyboard part came from back there too, I was grinning from ear to ear.
Ironically, when the surrounds were employed, the mix was way more aggressive than anything I've heard from Mr. Hackett. (I haven't heard any of the box set, yet). There was an extended intro to The Wheel's Turning that started out with some creepy carnival music coming exclusively from the rears. As it built up, the fronts were gradually raised until the whole sound was as immersive as anything I've ever heard live.
I hadn't bought Wolflight, mainly do to the blah reviews of the 5.1 mix here. I couldn't resist buying a signed copy of the CD/Blu-ray set for $20 last night, though. The mix sure isn't very aggressive, but I knew that when I bought it.
I'm not sure how many shows are left on this tour. But I highly recommend checking it out!
Upcoming in May see Strawbs--Electric (!) in Annapolis Maryland. Dave Cousins had significant health problems and some tour dates were canceled this year...hope that he has mended well!
No surround connection that I can think of, but I would love it if Steven Wilson worked some magic on one of Strawb's classic, synth-heavy albums, e.g., Hero and Heroine, or Ghosts! I have never seen in print where SW has mentioned the group, however.
Next Tuesday 26th, Bristol Colston Hall, Steven Wilson in concert :woopie