kap'n krunch
2K Club - QQ Super Nova
Two nights ago at the Summit in Denver (with a puny crowd who was kinda comatose...whatsupwiddat??? ) was standing in front of the great Billy Sheehan, who noticed that I'm a bassist cause I can't help "air bass playing" when I see someone of that caliber, and at the end of the set he took off his bass and immediately came to me and shook my hand(no fist pound or anything...SHOOK my hand!!! How cool is that???)...the only time I had seen him was...wellllll..only 31 years ago (!!!!) on the "Eat 'em and smile" tour in either Providence or Hartford , can't remember, my memory gets foggy after a couple of decades...and Jeff Scott Soto put on a great show...love him.. Mike Portnoy was OK but he has a nasty habit of SPITTING onstage (whaaaa???), I think that is why Billy was wearing some SAFETY boots...and the keyboard player had this PERMAFROWN and looked like a big diva (probably is) and he got his comeuppance cause during his solo , the Hammond went out, and he STORMED off the stage at the end of the gig (wellll!!!)...it was a VERY Van Halenesque gig...they played the actual tape of "Intruder" as an intro and later played an awesome cover of "And the cradle will rock" which Jeff started singing at the back of the venue...at least the audience woke up for the SoA set...