The SDE Surround Sound Series (Updated list of titles with links in post #1)


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Here’s to hoping that the new EJ set will lead to more physical releases of his catalog. “Too Low For Zero” has a great Atmos mix streaming online and of course there are those classic albums that were mixed to 5.1 back in the day and never released. Of course, they’d probably want to remix them all to Atmos now, but still…

Is it too much to presume/hope that if Greg Penny remixed 48 tracks to Atmos for “Diamonds” that he probably did some full albums along the way?
Here’s to hoping that the new EJ set will lead to more physical releases of his catalog. “Too Low For Zero” has a great Atmos mix streaming online and of course there are those classic albums that were mixed to 5.1 back in the day and never released. Of course, they’d probably want to remix them all to Atmos now, but still…

Is it too much to presume/hope that if Greg Penny remixed 48 tracks to Atmos for “Diamonds” that he probably did some full albums along the way?
Hope springs eternal.