When I e-mailed to ask how to get the 5.1 download that came with the preorder I did say more 5.1 please! The email with the 5.1 link did suggest where to look to find out how to turn the .flac into a playable disc, so they do know thats what a lot of people want.
The kind folks at Burning Shed replied to my email. The 5.1 mix was an enticement for the pre-order and is at the moment not available.
Pete from Shed followed that up by writing "We are hoping to sell the 5.1 mix as a separate item shortly".
So let's cut them a little slack - Maybe they didn't think it through well but there was no malicious intent.
If you are interested in the 5.1 mix and you missed the pre-order like me, I suggest you send a kind request to them showing your purchase interest.