Many years ago when cable TV was analog & mono, I'm talking early 80's in this case, it was by pure random chance I ran across a public television program so unique it's been with me ever since. This was before The Net for me & even today it's so obscure that search results seem to only return a one sentence description. Every few years I'd poke around abit but mainly I gave up ever seeing it again. Until last week when I discovered it was put on YouTube about 6 years ago. What is this odd ball masterpiece? Why, Swan Lake, Minnesota!
Picture if you will movie with little dialog, music (mostly) by Tchaikovsky, beautiful ballerinas in tutu's, farmers in flannel & overalls, bails of hay & pirouettes. Descriptive superlatives would be surreal, bizarre, very meta. But really this is more Wes Anderson strange than Laurie Anderson strange.
Yes the pic & sound is not great but it didn't detract from my enjoyment watching it blown up big on an 8' screen. I really hope someone here watches all the way through, it's worth the 56 mins of time fer sure. And I'd love to get another's opinion of it.
Oh, the first maybe 45 secs might be a bit unsettling but don't worry. No ballerina's were harmed making this movie.