Tweets from Andy P. re: Oranges and Lemons


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These stories do seem a bit incredible sometimes, but lord knows there have been many verified examples out there over the years of an appalling lack of oversight & care for these priceless master tapes. To me this particular drama seems sadly plausible.

Yes, the "powers that be" are pretty transparent concerning the state of the multitrack tapes. No need to build more excitement, life already takes care of that!

Here's what I have heard thus far concerning the multis (some of it is old news):

White Music (1978) > dunno
Go 2 (1978) > dunno
Drums and Wires (1979) > all found obviously, but at least one track is from a digital copy of the multis (can you spot which one? ;) )
Black Sea (1980) > missing
English Settlement (1982) > half missing, including the singles.
Mummer (1983) > missing
The Big Express (1984) > dunno
25 O'Clock (1985, as the Dukes of Stratosphear) > dunno
Skylarking (1986) > most missing, if not all
Psonic Psunspot (1987, as the Dukes of Stratosphear) > dunno
Oranges & Lemons (1989) > all found, almost deemed beyond repair (although some might be from copies)
Nonsuch (1992) > all found, obviously
Apple Venus Volume 1 (1999) > all found
Wasp Star (Apple Venus Volume 2) (2000) > dunno
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Sometimes, I wonder if the powers that be aren't building excitement here? I say this because, why would you put out a series of surround titles called "The Surround Sound Series" if you had no intention of doing the complete series? Don't we have enough excitement alone from any of the CTC albums being released in surround anyway? (y)

Absolutely. My suspicions were raised by some of the inclusions on 'Drums and Wires'.... are we really meant to believe that entire albums are missing but they can get a multitrack of 'Officer Blue' and 'Bushman President' amongst others?
Apologies for the cynicism, but I ain't buying it. ;)

Personally, I'm looking forward to 'Apple Venus' the most as a surround experience. The possibilities are incredible, and as SW as listed it as no.2 on his XTC fave list (I think) and XTC should pretty much own the tapes as Idea Records...bring it on.
Absolutely. My suspicions were raised by some of the inclusions on 'Drums and Wires'.... are we really meant to believe that entire albums are missing but they can get a multitrack of 'Officer Blue' and 'Bushman President' amongst others?
Apologies for the cynicism, but I ain't buying it. ;)

Unfortunately (?) their missing state isn't linked to the quality of the songs...

The tracks you mention were all from the same sessions...
Unfortunately (?) their missing state isn't linked to the quality of the songs...

The tracks you mention were all from the same sessions...

Agreed and understood. I was addressing more the value to the companies of the original product, whose attitude has already rightly been described as mostly negligent. It wasn't quality I was doubting, as for me there's no question of it with this band.
Yes, the "powers that be" are pretty transparent concerning the state of the multitrack tapes. No need to build more excitement, life already takes care of that!

Here's what I have heard thus far concerning the multis (some of it is old news):

White Music (1978) > dunno
Go 2 (1978) > dunno
Drums and Wires (1979) > all found obviously, but at least one track is from a digital copy of the multis (can you spot which one? ;) )
Black Sea (1980) > missing
English Settlement (1982) > half missing, including the singles.
Mummer (1983) > missing
The Big Express (1984) > dunno
25 O'Clock (1985, as the Dukes of Stratosphear) > dunno
Skylarking (1986) > most missing, if not all
Psonic Psunspot (1987, as the Dukes of Stratosphear) > dunno
Oranges & Lemons (1989) > all found, almost deemed beyond repair (although some might be from copies)
Nonsuch (1992) > all found, obviously
Apple Venus Volume 1 (1999) > all found
Wasp Star (Apple Venus Volume 2) (2000) > dunno

This post makes me a sad Panda… (n) :( :violin :howl
Latest tweet from Andy P. today:

Test discs of ORANGES AND LEMONS 5.1 by the weekend? Artwork being prepared for 2 double vinyl sets of other titles.Ooooh! Exciting.
Just posted on Steven Wilson's Facebook page:

16th October will see the release of Oranges & Lemons, the third in a series of remixed & expanded XTC classics. The album has been mixed from the original studio masters by Steven Wilson with input from Andy Partridge, & is fully approved by XTC. The CD features a completely new stereo album mix, while the Blu-Ray features a wealth of content, continuing the “virtual box set on a single disc” concept of the first 2 release in the series, Nonsuch and Drums and Wires:

- Oranges and Lemons 5.1 Surround mix in 24bit/96khz available in LPCM and DTS HD MA
- a new stereo album mix in 24bit/96khz LPCM audio
- instrumental versions of all new stereo mixes in 24bit/96khz LPCM audio
- a flat transfer of the original stereo album mix in 24bit/96khz LPCM audio
- 2 separate sets of demo & work tape sessions showing the evolution of the album & associated recordings
- 1 set of pre-recording rehearsals, promos & ID links for radio stations & record companies
- a collection of single mixes & XTC’s version of Captain Beefheart’s ‘Ella Guru'
- promo films for “The Mayor of Simpleton” (3 versions), “King for a Day” & “The Road to Oranges & Lemons” rarely seen home-made film by the band explaining the album (& themselves!) to Geffen Records USA.

Presented in special packaging with expanded booklet & sleeve-notes by Andy Partridge, Colin Moulding & Dave Gregory.
In case anyone's curious what "The Road to Oranges & Lemons" is, Voila:

There should be DVDA too, and the same should be true for any Yes reissues released this year.

Am I missing something here, or hasn't Blu-Ray Audio superseded DVD-Audio at this point? Between the two, is there something exclusive to DVD-A besides possible DVD-V compatibility? I don't get it...

-- Jim
Am I missing something here, or hasn't Blu-Ray Audio superseded DVD-Audio at this point? Between the two, is there something exclusive to DVD-A besides possible DVD-V compatibility? I don't get it...

-- Jim

Yes, the Blu-Ray will clearly be better in terms of the amount of content, most of which will be the same or greater quality than the DVD-A, but here's why it's important to offer both (from the THRAK Q&A):

2) Some fans want both - especially in America where a number of in car systems are DVD-a compatible.

3) Some fans want both if they currently have DVD & intend to buy a Blu-Ray player.

4) By including all options we can make it usable by the widest possible audience. None of the Blu-Ray or dvd/dvd-a discs are region locked & the dvd-a is a hybrid disc fully compatible with all dvd players.
Also good for us that are bullheaded or stuck in analog connection mode :banana:
The CD/Blu-Ray edition of "Oranges & Lemons" is now available to preorder from Headphone Dust (Steven Wilson's store):

Also of note is this:
Please note that there will not be a CD/DVDA edition of this album.

So to whomever was enquiring about a CD/DVDA edition of this album, looks like I was mistaken thinking it would be available like the others in this series.
This is just my personal opinion (obviously) but I think APE/Panegyric are making a HUGE mistake not offering this title on some sort of DVD format (DVD-A or DVD-V), making sure that the greatest number of people have access to the format they want, but hey, they don't ask me, so guess we just have to take this one as is...
The CD/Blu-Ray edition of "Oranges & Lemons" is now available to preorder from Headphone Dust (Steven Wilson's store):

Also of note is this:

So to whomever was enquiring about a CD/DVDA edition of this album, looks like I was mistaken thinking it would be available like the others in this series.
This is just my personal opinion (obviously) but I think APE/Panegyric are making a HUGE mistake not offering this title on some sort of DVD format (DVD-A or DVD-V), making sure that the greatest number of people have access to the format they want, but hey, they don't ask me, so guess we just have to take this one as is...

I agree with you as I think many of us doubled up on these as I got the Dvda for the car and Bluray for the home environment.
Well this is to bad, happy to get this release but would have liked the Dvda choice as well.

The CD/Blu-Ray edition of "Oranges & Lemons" is now available to preorder from Headphone Dust (Steven Wilson's store):

Also of note is this:

So to whomever was enquiring about a CD/DVDA edition of this album, looks like I was mistaken thinking it would be available like the others in this series.
This is just my personal opinion (obviously) but I think APE/Panegyric are making a HUGE mistake not offering this title on some sort of DVD format (DVD-A or DVD-V), making sure that the greatest number of people have access to the format they want, but hey, they don't ask me, so guess we just have to take this one as is...

Same here. I wish there was a DVD-A.