*UPDATED* DIY Repair of Marantz SR8015, no audio on any channels


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Nov 9, 2020
TLDR: All the amplifiers in my Marantz SR8015 AVR would unexpectedly shut off, but the Video and all other operations would continue to work normally.
I tear down the unit and replace the broken parts plus the bitter pill I must swallow.

I have added additional text after the pics for others who might be experiencing the same fault or for the technically curious.

** UPDATE ** One month on . . . see below for faulty component tear down. High voltage carnage!

What you start with

Where you need to be: there were many screws . . .

Four Layers Deep: the target Power/Speaker board is at the very bottom (of course).
(see notes at the end regarding a possible alternative removal method)

All the boards: eight PCBs plus the Power/Speaker board
04-All Boards-labels-spelling.jpg

The broken Parts: the bridge rectifiers are screwed down to a heatsink that is bonded to the chassis base

Remove the parts: cut the legs off the bridge rectifiers and use pliers to pull the pins through the PCB
07-Remove Parts.JPG

Installed upgraded parts: the metal contact plate is the upgrade here. I assume the original items die a heat death or are simply not up to the task.
The new items have improved current, thermal and PIV
08-Install Parts-labels.jpg

Add silicon thermal paste for improved heat transfer (also applied to the other items on the heatsink)

ECO Relay: factory relay placement

ECO Relay alternative overlays: Marantz Engineers gave us a Plan B, which may be needed in future.
Provision is made for the additional back EMF diode and driver transistor for a second relay

Re-assemble everything, smoke test it and then reinstall it into your system

Bonus Footage: The Great DAC mystery
Yes, the later model SR8015’s uses the Burr Brown PCM5102A chips. This is a bitter pill for me. I specifically wanted the AKM DAC chipsets for their native DSD capabilities. I did not realise at the time of purchase that Marantz had substituted these critical parts in the wake of the AKM Factory fire <sigh>
If anyone is interested, I can also post the before / after DAC PCB redesign. It was a significant undertaking.
10-Bonus DAC Mystery.JPG

11-Bonus DAC Mystery.jpg

**UPDATE** Post Fix Faulty Component Analysis
Prompted by a Denon AVR repair I read on another forum, I decided to cut open the ECO relay I replaced. Oh boy, the carnage is real.
Hopefully the Carbon deposits are obvious in the photo (it shouldn't look like that) but they are only a bi-product of the very obvious arcing and destruction of the high voltage contact pair. In comparison, the low voltage side (ECO mode on) look pristine.
I will be sourcing a more robust replacement relay with better contact materials and treatment. Looks like I get to pull this all apart one more time. :)

12 - Relay Carnage.jpg

Backstory / What to do?

Unfortunately for me, my unit was 3 weeks out of warranty and the (excellent) retailer I purchased it from 3 years ago recently closed their doors. On the upside, I have nothing to lose doing it myself . . . so come along on the journey with me.

The fault: can be reliably replicated with some small variation in the timing of the fault.
All amplified channels cease working but the pre-outs are unaffected; a simple power cycle generally restores operation. The issue occurs when the built-in power manager (ECO Mode) detects a volume level of 50 or above where it switches a higher AC supply voltage to the DC power supply. The fault occurs within a few seconds / minutes of this transition.
The ECO function works to reduce heat and energy consumption at lower volumes by reducing the available power to the amplifiers (ECO ‘On’ or ‘Auto’).

Recovery: it is sometimes possible to recover the amplified channels without a power cycle by manually switching the ECO Mode to ‘On’. Manually setting ECO to ‘Auto’ or ‘Off’ never recovers the fault.

Work around: Permanently set the power-on ECO Mode to ‘On’. The unit functions without fault but you will progressively hear audio distortion as volume is increased due to the lower voltage power rails available to the amps. The distortion is not subtle.

Diagnosis: There are two bridge rectifiers that supply power to the amps; One for low volume levels, the other for higher volumes. It is this second bridge rectifier that is most likely the issue, failing to deliver any current to the power amps after a short interval. Anecdotally, there are numerous internet reports of this issue on Marantz SR units, including reports from authorised Marantz workshops. The factory bridge rectifier is identified as the cause.

There is a third component in play. The ECO relay that switches the transformer secondary voltages to each bridge rectifier. This relay always responds to manual and auto commands, so there are no concerns with the relay control side. However, the contacts for the higher voltage switch pair may have become unreliable. It’s a no-brainer to proactively replace this part considering the disassembly effort.

Solution: Replace and upgrade the two bridge rectifiers. Replace the ECO relay.

Outcome: The unit is back in service now and I can happily report the issue is resolved. Let’s see how it goes with longer heat soaking and real-world use.

Other/Future options: the factory ECO relay choice stacks up on paper but the engineers at Marantz left their options open on the PCB layout to accept a more substantial relay, or two relays. This relay upgrade may be an option if there are any further issues.

The tear down experience: Despite the technical fault, I was impressed with the build quality and materials used in this unit. Add in the white glove, built in Japan halo (Shirakawa Audio works), plus the attention to design and workmanship . . . I feel my money was well spent here.

If you want to do this too: Be patient and allow for two, 4-hour work sessions at a minimum. Break up the fatigue and keep your concentration sharp, you’ll need it. ESD / Static management is an absolute must during the repairs (ESD mats and body earthing), take many photos, use ESD plastic pry tools wherever possible, post your wins / fails!

Alternative removal method: It may be possible to extract the PCB stack as one big module. I did consider this as the rear panel metal work is removable. I chose not to guess and avoid wasting time only to find there was single inaccessible screw or connector that could not be reached. Please share if you have any experience with this.


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Excellent diagnosis and work, @Mackspower ! (So, what is your hourly repair rate? LOL)
Hey . . . thank you. I am genuinely relieved to have fixed this issue.

'Honestly don't know how repair shops make any money. If I billed this out at $100 / hour (that's cheap) this would would have been an +$800 plus bill (not including the parts mark-up). It is sobering to think if I didn't have the ability to do this myself, I would gladly pay that. This SR8015 is central to my digital music and movie life. I really do love it.
The SR8015 must be problematic. I had similar amp issues, and now only use it as a processor. I do not have your level of skill to DIY repair my unit, but I will never buy a Marantz product again.
Very nice. I would not even know how to diagnose the problem.
Maybe your investigation and work will pay off for someone else, which is very cool indeed.

The disassembly and reassembly of AVR's can be a pain itself. Good grief they can bury some screws sometimes.
Also everyone has a cell phone with a camera these days, without which my failing memory would cause some pain on reassembly, for a fact.
The SR8015 must be problematic. I had similar amp issues, and now only use it as a processor. I do not have your level of skill to DIY repair my unit, but I will never buy a Marantz product again.
I my dark moments before I decided to do this repair, I did ponder the same point. If I had to purchase a replacement unit, would it be a Marantz?

For me, it is an easy yes. If you stay in the affordable Japanese zone, Marantz products are a clear step ahead in every way in my opinion.
However, case in point, the heat management is not good enough in a unit with this construction density.

A precursor that hastened my fault was the AC Infinity cooling unit I have sitting on top of this AVR was not working for 1-2 months preceding this fault.
I underestimated the impact of this situation and on reflection, a non-working cooling solution like the Aircom quickly becomes a blanket. Lesson learned.
I my dark moments before I decided to do this repair, I did ponder the same point. If I had to purchase a replacement unit, would it be a Marantz?

For me, it is an easy yes. If you stay in the affordable Japanese zone, Marantz products are a clear step ahead in every way in my opinion.
However, case in point, the heat management is not good enough in a unit with this construction density.

A precursor that hastened my fault was the AC Infinity cooling unit I have sitting on top of this AVR was not working for 1-2 months preceding this fault.
I underestimated the impact of this situation and on reflection, a non-working cooling solution like the Aircom quickly becomes a blanket. Lesson learned.
So the unit has no incorporated cooling fan?
My Onkyo does but I think it only turns on at 50 C. from wherever the temp source is. :(

My AVR and Receiver both have 240mm cooling fans placed on top, and since in close proximity to a pc, I run the fans from a fan controller unit.
I mean the Infinity units look cool and all, but no better than what I do for a fraction of the price.

One could incorporate a standard 120mm pc type fan in the cabinet if space allows. Just need to find a 12v source within, and if not desired to be run 'wide open' all the time a resistor could be incorporated to reduce the voltage to said fan. Just an idea to throw out there.
I my dark moments before I decided to do this repair, I did ponder the same point. If I had to purchase a replacement unit, would it be a Marantz?

For me, it is an easy yes. If you stay in the affordable Japanese zone, Marantz products are a clear step ahead in every way in my opinion.
However, case in point, the heat management is not good enough in a unit with this construction density.

A precursor that hastened my fault was the AC Infinity cooling unit I have sitting on top of this AVR was not working for 1-2 months preceding this fault.
I underestimated the impact of this situation and on reflection, a non-working cooling solution like the Aircom quickly becomes a blanket. Lesson learned.
Thanks for the PSA! I have one on my AVR too so it runs cooler but yup, it's another point of failure...
So the unit has no incorporated cooling fan?
My Onkyo does but I think it only turns on at 50 C. from wherever the temp source is. :(

My AVR and Receiver both have 240mm cooling fans placed on top, and since in close proximity to a pc, I run the fans from a fan controller unit.
I mean the Infinity units look cool and all, but no better than what I do for a fraction of the price.

One could incorporate a standard 120mm pc type fan in the cabinet if space allows. Just need to find a 12v source within, and if not desired to be run 'wide open' all the time a resistor could be incorporated to reduce the voltage to said fan. Just an idea to throw out there.
Hey Mandrix, what's a fan controller unit? Thanks...and 50 C sounds hot...120 F...
Hey Mandrix, what's a fan controller unit? Thanks...and 50 C sounds hot...120 F...
Mine are sort of pricey and do many functions so I won't go into what I use.
But you can google "pc fan controller" and sure you'd come up with hits.

PC fans come in two major options: PWM (pulse width modulated) controlled and speed (voltage) controlled.

Normally speed controlled fans run either wide open or controlled by varying the voltage via a rheostat or just simply reducing the voltage applied.
Some fans (such as Noctua) often come with add-on wiring that incorporates resistance to lower the input voltage from 12v to around 7v or thereabouts.

PWM fans require to be controlled to run from a pwm controller or will default to a percentage of the duty cycle if pwm signal not present.
More expensive fan controllers might have an input for a temperature sensing lead, and use it's firmware/software to change the speed based on where the temp probe is applied.

Trying not to go too deep here....lol.
Wasn't sure if it was hardware or software...sounds like hardware..."sort of pricey and do many functions..." dang, now I'm really curious! :)
Wasn't sure if it was hardware or software...sounds like hardware..."sort of pricey and do many functions..." dang, now I'm really curious! :)
In my case it hardware, and accompanying software.
Aquacomputer Aquaero is the hardware, Aquasuite is their software. How deep you wanna go? lol. I'm a pc geek.

https://www.aquatuning.com/en/air-c...pro-usb-fan-controller-graphic-lcd?currency=3 as an example, though they are made in Germany and sold by Aquacomputer and vendors elsewhere.

note they list a lot of options though. Mine has both passive and water cooling, as both my personal pc's are water cooled by my own design. except for the cpu and Aquaero water blocks.
The Aquaero 6 has 4 pwm/speed controllers in the unit.

No need to spend this sort of money only to run a single fan of course.
I have an Aquaero 6 and Aquaero 5 on my main rig that run fans, water pumps, etc.
I have an Aqauero 5 on my second rig running the cooling pump and fans, and a cheaper fan controller running other functions.l

How far down the rabbit hole you want to go? lol. PC geek for a long time. I make all my own wiring from the power supplies, crimp the terminals, and sleeve them in different colors.
So the unit has no incorporated cooling fan?
My Onkyo does but I think it only turns on at 50 C. from wherever the temp source is. :(

My AVR and Receiver both have 240mm cooling fans placed on top, and since in close proximity to a pc, I run the fans from a fan controller unit.
I mean the Infinity units look cool and all, but no better than what I do for a fraction of the price.

One could incorporate a standard 120mm pc type fan in the cabinet if space allows. Just need to find a 12v source within, and if not desired to be run 'wide open' all the time a resistor could be incorporated to reduce the voltage to said fan. Just an idea to throw out there.
Oh, yes it does . . . sorry, lazy posting. The AVR has four fans that are intelligently controlled.
The trouble is these fans are dedicated to cooling only the audio output modules.
The stack of Digital and Analogue I/O PCBs has zero active cooling. This is the hotspot and external cooling is highly recommended.
Oh, yes it does . . . sorry, lazy posting. The AVR has four fans that are intelligently controlled.
The trouble is these fans are dedicated to cooling only the audio output modules.
The stack of Digital and Analogue I/O PCBs has zero active cooling. This is the hotspot and external cooling is highly recommended.
All cooling is good. I've found HDMI boards sometimes are more subject to break...location in the chassis (normally top rear), components used, etc.
Oh, yes it does . . . sorry, lazy posting. The AVR has four fans that are intelligently controlled.
The trouble is these fans are dedicated to cooling only the audio output modules.
The stack of Digital and Analogue I/O PCBs has zero active cooling. This is the hotspot and external cooling is highly recommended.
Intelligently controlled sounds like manufacturer speak. All AVR's with fans I assume are intelligently controlled. Not rocket science. They have a temp sense lead/component that tells firmware the temp at some location in the chassis. The firmware then decides when to turn fans on/off.
All manufacturers probably have their own specs based on where the temperature signal originates from.
Why my AVR's fan turns on at 50C is probably based on where the temp is measured from, and how they decided the temp to turn the fan on. I have no clue how they decided as I'm not privy to the details, but I've never had my AVR go into "limp mode" because I seriously doubt it ever gets hot enough despite being on sometimes 24 hrs/day, though not always taxed heavily.
In my case it hardware, and accompanying software.
Aquacomputer Aquaero is the hardware, Aquasuite is their software. How deep you wanna go? lol. I'm a pc geek.

https://www.aquatuning.com/en/air-c...pro-usb-fan-controller-graphic-lcd?currency=3 as an example, though they are made in Germany and sold by Aquacomputer and vendors elsewhere.

note they list a lot of options though. Mine has both passive and water cooling, as both my personal pc's are water cooled by my own design. except for the cpu and Aquaero water blocks.
The Aquaero 6 has 4 pwm/speed controllers in the unit.

No need to spend this sort of money only to run a single fan of course.
I have an Aquaero 6 and Aquaero 5 on my main rig that run fans, water pumps, etc.
I have an Aqauero 5 on my second rig running the cooling pump and fans, and a cheaper fan controller running other functions.l

How far down the rabbit hole you want to go? lol. PC geek for a long time. I make all my own wiring from the power supplies, crimp the terminals, and sleeve them in different colors.
That's far enough for me but wow, it all sounds very cool! (y)
Well again props for all the investigation and work you did to repair your unit!

Back to that cooling thing.
I believe if I had an out of warranty unit I would still be tempted to find a 12v source in it and make that the driver for a 12V fan(s). In this usage case you would want speed controlled fans, which means according to the voltage applied would control the fan speeds. If too noisy running wide open then just put some resistance in the circuit to lower the fan speed...some won't run well below 7V but that's dependent on the fan motor design.

Well a little digging found this small PWM controller so that one can control when the fan turns on/off or vary the fan speed via it's temp sensing lead. May be better ones IDK.
This would allow the use of PWM fans that can be controlled via the temperature sensed from the lead placement and doesn't break the bank price wise.
