1966? I'd have never guessed, I figured the good Doc just threw this one together to cash in on the Quad tsunami!
The Free Design album is QS.Bonnie Koloc Hold On To Me (QS)
The Free Design Kites Are Fun (EV I Think) Im quite glad to have found the quad free design lp
Enoch Light 4 Channel Stereo PR-D700 (EV-4 I believe) This is the "4 channel stereo" LP with the different color 4s and different track list that you never see. I find it odd because it was also pressed on a much more lightweight vinyl than its twin.
Enoch Light 4 Channel Dynamite (QS? EV?)
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The Isley Brothers - 3+3 - SQ LP
I need to compare this to the SACD to see if the channels are swapped.
Matrix decoders, and especially QS decoders, are able to use the out-of-phase information present in stereo recordings to create a surround effect. The matrix systems use some sort of phase-shifting to direct sounds to specific speakers. Records encoded for quad using a matrix system use this technique in measured amounts to direct those sounds accordingly. The effect from stereo records played through matrix decoders is essentially random, not planned for, as it is in quad LP's. But it can still create a believable soundfield. I may have oversimplified it here, but I hope it helps.
I wasn't aware any Frank Sinatra albums were ever released in any format other than CD-4. Could you post a pic of the album cover, and also the label of the record? I'd like to see it.