Yea that top KOLOC disc probably is QS.So hard to tell sometimes.The bottom one I have and looks identical, no EV sticker on it, but the pressing looks like a first edition, so mine is probably EV-4.I have the Paul Horn Ovation disc in both QS and EV -4, one with the sticker the other clearly states on reverse cover QS.And in Canada London Records pressed some of the Ovation discs, so unless they used U.S. disc stampers, it was even more difficult to determine at times.My Koloc disc is U.S. copy though, they also distributed U.S. copies here in addition to pressing London Records' copies.
I only mentioned the variances in this instance because I was under the impression that some Ovation discs previously in EV-4 may still be
in that format and Larry Clifton had difficulty in Ovation's information as opposed to Project 3's indication information.Now of course I could be wrong, I'm no expert when it comes to detemining these two matrices on a listening test.There may be more timely information on these Ovation discs determinations that I'm not aware of.Quad Linda points out some very good information btw.So please don't recognize my view as being the gospel nor the final word.My personal observation of Ovation discs remains confusing when it comes to actual matrix utilized on their early releases.