Body Heat - SQ pix...
'Posted by FredBlur..'
Holy Holophonics FizzyMan..!!! :yikes
What's that Firesign Theatre SQ like? Never even knew that one existed.. the Bozos on the Bus SQ LP is on my shopping list but a toughy to find over here..
That FIRESIGN THEATRE disc is "Superb" in SQ quad !!
Well worth obtaining. Although Bozos was quite common in my part of the (SQ MATRIX) globe, I have not seen any used copies for quite some time, but I'll keep a 3rd eye open for it for u, FREDEMS.
But if you get a chance for aquiring "Everthing You Know Is Wrong"(SQ), don't hesitate by any means.A much better comedy disc and excellent quad mix.
---Reebus Caneebus jumps across the biggest hole in this stinkin desert!!!!
Well fizzy I can't find a single copy of that Everything You Know SQ anywhere online right now and that is unusual.. ordinarily I can find at least one copy even if it's expensive but wow.. that must be a rare one! :yikes
Ohhh I LOOOVE "Kites are Fun"
it's a quite good mix and the best way to hear this is a reel and ye shall find!
OH..!! :yikes ..and now Quincy has reappeared in an earlier post..! bleedin 'ell.. anyway, I'll do more pix of new/old SQ stuff tomorrow (unless I posted them already and can't find it again or something.. haha.. )
Ooh I love that one (my favourite Paul Simon Quad, I think..) the mix is great and the sound is lovely and the music, well speaks for itself!
Is the white/red ring around the gold label the only thing that distinguishes it as a Canadian SQ LP release on CBS/Columbia, Fizzy?
Were the Canadian discs pressed and the sleeves printed and all manufactured completely in Canada do you know?