What's your latest earworm???


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Since everyone seems to like Mrs Miller, here's a favorite of mine:

She comes in quite handy if you're ready for your guests to leave ;)

This Mrs.Miller stuff is fascinating. I did not know the story, so I found a great summary of her life and career:

Bring on William Shatner for more Beatles mayhem!
I've been having conversations with @nikomen about the Band On The Run album. While I like many of the songs quite a bit, there are a couple that really annoy me. They are Let Me Roll It and Picasso's Last Words. So of course, Let Me Roll It was in my head all bloody day long; and then I woke up in the middle of the night to pee and I started humming, "Drink to me, drink to myself." (I even got the words wrong, apparently.)

So all I can say is:

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Not to rub it in, but I luuuvvv the guitar in “Let Me Roll It.”

Heard this at a friends house the other night and can’t get it out of my head.
Tokyo Groove Jyoshi featuring Juan Serita on bass and Harumo Imai on sax.
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