At last I've found the mythical Sony Appreciation thread

Is this one of those
' Phase-Hydra' Sony love-ins in the making ????
" if Blu-Ray is REALLY that bad and costs sooooo much than why the hell did other companies, studios and CE manufacturers alike, thought it would be a good path to take? " Maybe , just maybe they had their big 'Paramount-like' payday ahead of anyone else ?
" I do know that SACD works great for my needs, I prefer it to DVD-A. I do know Blu-ray works great for my needs, I prefer it to HD DVD. " Chris , that's fine . I ' prefer pasta to pizza' but I don't think it should be universally enforced as the sole choice for those that are interested . I definitely agree that its a mess that should've been sorted before launch . But ...
Neil is right . Sony is a monster . They've been picking format fights for years in anticipation of replacing their dwindling Cd patent royalties . They almost caused Sd-Dvd to be stillborn before compromising right at the end. IMO they are the single greatest enemy of consumers in the music/movies/electronics
operating today .
The rootkit fiasco showed exactly their own lack of class and their disdain and lack of respect for their customers.
As for HD-Dvd/BD , Paramount didn't invent a 3rd format , we still have just the 2 from last week so why are people so perturbed about it all all of a sudden ? Its a war , nobody ever completely wins a war do they ?
We should all continue to enjoy whatever formats we ever did while this goes
on around us

All my 0.02c