I am late for this fray but will jump in with my inflation-related 25-dollars' worth of opinion.
Sought a new computer June 2022 to replace my ancient decaying device not worth repairing. The days of building my own device are over for too many reasons to delve into here. Off to the retailer I go. Budget very tight so price was of utmost importance.
The local BestBuy corporate monolith had a name-brand mass market device with Windows 11 within on sale at what I thought was a bargain. Dusty memory is unreliable but the price was in the $300 US dollar range. Okay, credit in the card would allow monthly payment. Off I go with device and the undesired time spent loading software and fine-tuning the critter and gathering the bookmarks and all that tedious stuff.
At home. Turn on. Computer, not me. Tune into Windows 11 and . . .
What the Eff is this???!!! Details avoided. Old dog here. No new tricks for me. I do not even use a cell phone except for emergencies such as calling ATT to tell them the damn landline was broken. Have you tried to find a pay-phone lately? In a small city of 350,000 or so wayward souls I found but one payphone. It is in the convenience store not far away in the worst part of town where the adrift populace that is often without regular shelter congregate. Apparently that phone is for their use.
That event led to acquiring my cellphone that is in the truck's box of gloves in case of emergency. At home the critter enters the home with me. Kinda' like being married. Cell phones suck but are a necessity nowadays. That worful tale helps explain in a way my old doggedness. I want an operating system (O/S) to fit my wants and needs not me adapting to bits and bytes and ones and twos and thank God modern computers do not require having a DOS guide next to the computer for those old-time command-line interface horrors.
Returning to BestBuy a few hours later the lackey listened to my woeful tale and refunded the cost no problemo,esse. Gracias.
Off to the locally owned and operated computer store. Bought one with Windows 10. That O/S was far more related to the Windows 7 I had used for a lengthy period. Despite paying more for a well-built unit not designed, built and shipped to sell at the lowest possible price I have a unit with better quality components that will likely last longer than my ancient, decrepit, decayinmg falling apart at the seams mind and body.
In conclusion: I highly recommend all folks embedded with Windows 7 and earlier experience to try Windows 11 on a computer that somebody else has such as a friend or a retailer before you buy it. Ever try Microsoft Bob? Not that I view Windows 11 as akin to that long-gone O/S but my disgust with Windows 11 has me placing it in the Bob genre.
That's it for me. Writing this wears me out. Time for my nap after I kick the wife and feed the dog. Or is it feed wife kick dog. Whatever. I will figure it out.