Yes' promo DVD-A with "Homeworld (The Ladder)"


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Audio Engineer/Enthusiast
Jul 13, 2015
Portland, OR, USA

While 2001's Magnification received a full 5.1 mix by Tim Weidner, Yes' previous studio album—The Ladder—only had one song mixed in surround: the title track, "Homeworld (The Ladder)," mixed by Mike Plotnikoff. Featured as a bonus track on the House of Yes: Live From The House of Blues DVD in Dolby Digital, it was also included in lossless MLP on a promotional DVD-A featuring selections from both Magnification and House of Yes (pictured). The surround mix hews very closely to Plotnikoff's stereo mix from the original album (no surprise) in terms of tonality and relative levels, but makes fairly liberal use of the surrounds, with elements both discrete and shared with the front speakers placed there. I would liken the approach to Steven Wilson's, if not quite as refined and active. (Unfortunately, Plotnikoff's 5.1 mixes of the live House of Yes material pale in comparison, with mere ambience in the surrounds.)

So, purely from a mix perspective, how would you rate the surround mix?

I'd give it an 8. While not quite on the level of a Steven Wilson Yes mix, it's really very good and quite immersive.

(As an aside, this song was included in the soundtrack to 1999's Homeworld real-time strategy game.)

Amongst my favorite Yes discs. It would be a 10 if all of The Ladder were here.
The Magnification cuts are ok, but we have them elsewhere. The live cuts are unmemorable, for me.

Good mix. Good sound. Awesome song, IMO.
Unusual to rate one song instead of a whole disc...
I really like Homeworld's surround mix: I'd go with a 9.

As for the disc, I like the Mag cuts, even if they were available on the whole album DVD-A (can't hold that against them...)- I'd rate them as 9s. As mentioned, the live cuts are not discrete, but still enjoyable. So I'd rate the whole disc an 8. Definitely worth getting if you're a Yes fan imo.
Unusual to rate one song instead of a whole disc...
With the disc being a sampler consisting solely of content released elsewhere—albeit lossy, for the House of Yes tracks—"Homeworld" seems like the only track worth rating from the disc, as it's a lossless presentation of a studio recording orphaned from its original album.
With the disc being a sampler consisting solely of content released elsewhere—albeit lossy, for the House of Yes tracks—"Homeworld" seems like the only track worth rating from the disc, as it's a lossless presentation of a studio recording orphaned from its original album.

Understood. Just thought for those who don't own it, might be more helpful to look at the whole disc. But I guess then we run into problems having an unofficial poll...

My bad for expanding what you asked into a problematic area...

So, as to your original question- I think HW is a very good surround mix. I actually got it as a freebie when I bought my first DVD-A capable player. And that's my fave track off the Ladder- though New Languages comes a close second. I actually saw the 1st US show of the Ladder tour at Myrtle Beach HoB- before they dropped NL from the setlist. Too bad- I reaally enjoyed it live.
I mean, it's not an official poll. It's not even in the polls subforum. What's the harm?

That's rather the point. Official QQ Polls are commissioned by moderators for complete album releases, viewed in a specific area and format. As you may have noticed a lot of work has gone onto this place over the last 18-24 months to get it into a better organized experience for users.

So not an actual harm per se, however it does contradict the organization effort if allowed to sprout up anywhere else about anything that comes to mind.