The Official QQ NFL Tailgate Thread


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First you have to get there. JohnN, are they accepting Canadians or giving away free Tim Horton’s coffee and donuts?
The deal used to be $20/hrs plus a free ticket, but that was 10 yrs ago or so.

Don't F@#$ with our Tim Hortons. Probably 1/2 the coffee I've drank in my lifetime came from there. It's a Canadian plot to addict Americans. Some kinda crack in the creamer, I'm sure of it.
The deal used to be $20/hrs plus a free ticket, but that was 10 yrs ago or so.

Don't F@#$ with our Tim Hortons. Probably 1/2 the coffee I've drank in my lifetime came from there. It's a Canadian plot to addict Americans. Some kinda crack in the creamer, I'm sure of it.
we got Snortin Hortons over here. The Buzz is wonderful !
RickyPicks Holiday edition number 2 - The Bears fiasco. The Ryan Day fiasco. And now the RickyPicks fiasco.

San Diego Chargers at Atlanta - will be a good game, Both teams' need a win. RP says Chargers by a slim electron
Pitt at Cinci - is Cinci back? Nope - defense wins games. Including the Steelers here
Cardinals at Minny - who is hungrier? Both teams need to win to keep pace. Minny has lucked out a lot this year. Luck runs out.
AZ for the win

San Fran at the Bills Blizzard Bowl - This one is all Allen. He is playin good - literally and figuratively. Right Hailie ? MarkieNiners have had a bad year. And it gets worse. Bills win.
Philly at Baltimore - clash of the Titans. Great game. Tough game. Ricky says Colts because of the home field factor
Rams at N'Orleans - saw Stafford and his wife in bed all weekend. Enough of the SleepNumber commercials !! Another upset ? Nope Rams win a tight game
SeaTurds at the Jets - one team is trending up and one team is trending Way Down Now ( World Party BTW ). This will not be a pretty game. Way WAY Down Now

Enjoy your games
I'm watching scenes from Orchard Park of the ongoing snow removal activities. Still not a single flake in my backyard 25 miles away. But it is really damn cold. Purdy is playing, but no Bosa or Trent Williams for the Niners. Bills are pretty healthy. They even get Matt Milano back for this game. Go Bills.
I thought it might be interesting to share a few details of where you live.

This is where I live, Wantage, the birth place of King Alfred.
Thanks I find that very interesting. Just before your post I was googleing South Oxfordshire. But I didn't see anything about Wantage. Reading up I must say things like Vale of White Horse is very confusing to us Yanks.