Suggestions for Dutton Vocalion Multichannel SACD Releases


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Dutton Vocalion only has access to the RCA/BMG catalog, they won't release material they can't license. The Joni Mitchell titles someone above suggested are already available in Quad ("Quadio") and Dolby Atmos on the Rhino Asylum Albums box set in Blu-ray format. "Summer Breeze" is also already available in Quadio from Rhino on Blu-ray.
I was late to the game on Dutton/Vacalion scene, are Vocalion still releasing new product or just what they have remaining in stock ? You mention they have access to RCA/BMG masters, was there any chance Jefferson Airplane releases, would have loved Volunteers or Worst Quad mixes on SCAD or BD (I have the reel to reel quad mixes, Volunteers some different mixes than stereo release). One of the releases I pick up of theirs is the RCA original Broadway cast recording of HAIR in Quad, it sounds AMAZING, so glad I took a chance on it.


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But Lou must have either pulled one on RCA in '75, and still gets a kick out of the "put on" or else he really thinks it's a modern electronic masterpiece.
He did claim way back that he thought it would have done better had it been a the RCA Red Seal label, like a classical designation for it.

But it's way up there on many folks lists of worst albums of all time.
There are many, me included, who find Metal Machine Music to be a beautiful album. Have any of you here who have an appreciation for avant garde and experimental music listened to it since it came out? It is kinda serene to my ears. I don’t think it’s generally regarded as one of the worst records ever except by people referencing the lore around it, people who never gave it time or have no ear for electronic experimentation. Sonic Youth mined similar territory at times, Suicide were influenced by it (and Springsteen has covered one of Suicide’s drone based songs) and even Neil Young included an entire disc with one of his live albums that seemed heavily influenced by the album.
What would be the odds of gathering the multitracks and making *New* Quad mixes of Paradise, Bannatyne, Flavours, Power and.... dare I say the Full Paramount show?

I mean.... it doesn't seem too out of line. We had two newly mixed tracks for the Raiders Hard & Heavy with Marshmallow and hasn't Mr. Dutton remixed a slew of classical titles? Sure, it may seem like a long shot but.... you never know until you ask! The Paramount show has NEVER been released in it's entirety so, that could be a Vocalion exclusive not only in stereo but also first time in surround. The other albums would also make for fantastic two-fer sets.

I asked Mike about this some years back (when the subject of the fake quad Artificial Paradise came up) and and I'm paraphrasing here but he said it would be no problem for him - not only does he have the experience, having earned his stripes at Morgan studios in the late '70s and early '80s, he also has all the analog outboard gear in his mixing studio necessary to do a faithful job. He even has the little quad 'joystick' panpots you see on old quad consoles.

Unfortunately, Sony Classical and Sony Legacy (the label's pop catalog divisions) are two entirely separate entities, and the level of favour he enjoys with the classical side is different from the relationship with the other side. Legacy insist on using in-house engineers for remix work (hence why Mark Wilder did the two quad remixes for the missing tracks on the Paul Revere album) and as a subsequent poster said, the costs for doing full album remixes this way make them prohibitively expensive. It's a shame, because Mike is perfectly positioned to do this kind of thing (and there are loads of obvious candidates: the missing Guess Who quads, Herbie Hancock Man-Child and Secrets, more Return to Forever, more Weather Report, the fake Santanas, more O'Jays and PIR in general, and dozens of others) and everyone would make money off it, but Sony don't seem to be interested, or weren't the last time I heard, which was admittedly a few years ago. This isn't just particular to D-V's situation as Karma Auger mentioned Sony being lukewarm on him doing Atmos remixes of his dad's (Brian Auger) catalog at the end of the excellent IAA interview that @sjcorne posted recently.
I asked Mike about this some years back (when the subject of the fake quad Artificial Paradise came up) and and I'm paraphrasing here but he said it would be no problem for him - not only does he have the experience, having earned his stripes at Morgan studios in the late '70s and early '80s, he also has all the analog outboard gear in his mixing studio necessary to do a faithful job. He even has the little quad 'joystick' panpots you see on old quad consoles.

Unfortunately, Sony Classical and Sony Legacy (the label's pop catalog divisions) are two entirely separate entities, and the level of favour he enjoys with the classical side is different from the relationship with the other side. Legacy insist on using in-house engineers for remix work (hence why Mark Wilder did the two quad remixes for the missing tracks on the Paul Revere album) and as a subsequent poster said, the costs for doing full album remixes this way make them prohibitively expensive. It's a shame, because Mike is perfectly positioned to do this kind of thing (and there are loads of obvious candidates: the missing Guess Who quads, Herbie Hancock Man-Child and Secrets, more Return to Forever, more Weather Report, the fake Santanas, more O'Jays and PIR in general, and dozens of others) and everyone would make money off it, but Sony don't seem to be interested, or weren't the last time I heard, which was admittedly a few years ago. This isn't just particular to D-V's situation as Karma Auger mentioned Sony being lukewarm on him doing Atmos remixes of his dad's (Brian Auger) catalog at the end of the excellent IAA interview that @sjcorne posted recently.

Well, it's nice to know the topic has been brought-up. Maybe they will capitulate eventually. I wonder if getting the artists behind remixes would help sway things? Randy, Burton, are still around. I've brought the topic up with Mark Lindsay in the past (about a modern mix of "Indian Reservation" and possibly one for "Collage" and he's on board; but his usual response is "You've got to talk to Sony" because, they pretty much have final say.
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There was a 2 CD reissue of the Live and Let Die soundtrack last year from La-La Land Records which was distributed by Capitol/Universal. Presumably they still hold the rights to it. I can't find the album on Apple Music or an official version on YouTube so apparently it's not a high priority for Universal if they can't be bothered to stream it. Or perhaps there's some sort of legal snag with the McCartney track.
Have there been any updates/news on titles from:

- Harry Nilsson (at least 4 albums)
- Waylon Jennings (at least 2 albums)
- Jerry Reed (at least 4 albums)
- Dolly Parton (5-6 albums)
- Mike Nesmith (2 albums)
- Harry Belafonte (2-3 albums)
- Redbone (2 for sure)
- John Denver (1, maybe 2 unreleased)
- Jose Feliciano (at least 4, plus Live Alive-O!)
- Tanya Tucker (confirmed at least 1 unreleased album, perhaps more?)

What about the Isaac Hayes albums at Stax/Enterprise? Not only are they hard-to-find today in any format; the "Truck Turner" soundtrack was never released in discrete - it was only an SQ-disc. I know Concord Music absorbed Stax.... and correct me if I'm wrong but does not Concord fit under the UMG umbrella? Are they willing to play ball yet?
Have there been any updates/news on titles from:

- Harry Nilsson (at least 4 albums)
- Waylon Jennings (at least 2 albums)
- Jerry Reed (at least 4 albums)
- Dolly Parton (5-6 albums)
- Mike Nesmith (2 albums)
- Harry Belafonte (2-3 albums)
- Redbone (2 for sure)
- John Denver (1, maybe 2 unreleased)
- Jose Feliciano (at least 4, plus Live Alive-O!)
- Tanya Tucker (confirmed at least 1 unreleased album, perhaps more?)

What about the Isaac Hayes albums at Stax/Enterprise? Not only are they hard-to-find today in any format; the "Truck Turner" soundtrack was never released in discrete - it was only an SQ-disc. I know Concord Music absorbed Stax.... and correct me if I'm wrong but does not Concord fit under the UMG umbrella? Are they willing to play ball yet?
Concord is independent. But most everything else on your list should be fair game for D-V. I'd love to hear updates on those too!
Ozark Mt. daredevils - 1 quad, Outlaws - 1 quad, Dave Mason - 3 quads, David Gates - 2 quads.
Would love some of these.
I don't know the labels, and if they might be possible.
Is there a chance for the other Bachman-Turner Overdrive Quads? We got a 2’fer of their first two. Was hoping we could get the rest.

All of the suggestions above sound really good. So many factors though trying to get the titles out. But like a rare movie that hasn’t been seen or released in decades, we have to keep trying.
Have there been any updates/news on titles from:

- Harry Nilsson (at least 4 albums)
- Waylon Jennings (at least 2 albums)
- Jerry Reed (at least 4 albums)
- Dolly Parton (5-6 albums)
- Mike Nesmith (2 albums)
- Harry Belafonte (2-3 albums)
- Redbone (2 for sure)
- John Denver (1, maybe 2 unreleased)
- Jose Feliciano (at least 4, plus Live Alive-O!)
- Tanya Tucker (confirmed at least 1 unreleased album, perhaps more?)

What about the Isaac Hayes albums at Stax/Enterprise? Not only are they hard-to-find today in any format; the "Truck Turner" soundtrack was never released in discrete - it was only an SQ-disc. I know Concord Music absorbed Stax.... and correct me if I'm wrong but does not Concord fit under the UMG umbrella? Are they willing to play ball yet?
Issac Hayes masters are said to have reverted back to his estate and no longer controlled by Fantasy / Concord.

Many of the titles mentioned in your post would seem good choices, and not impossible to license. But the reality might be much different. We should have seen several or a few of them by now if they were available. I’m no longer optimistic about Waylon, Jerry Reed, or Dolly. Nilsson should have had something arrive in quad by now because his big album has been reissued five times, and has included different sets of bonus tracks, and alternates.

I’m just glad RCA did some decent Q4 tapes released of several of these albums. That might be what has to hold some of us over for good.

Issac Hayes “Shaft” soundtrack (in quad) is the big album sticking out like a sore thumb.
Ozark Mt. daredevils - 1 quad, Outlaws - 1 quad, Dave Mason - 3 quads, David Gates - 2 quads.
Would love some of these.
I don't know the labels, and if they might be possible.
The Ozark Mountain Daredevils – It'll Shine When It Shines was their only quad, on A&M
Outlaws – Lady In Waiting was their only quad on Arista
Dave Mason was Columbia, so it falls under Sony now. DV has released a few from their stuff.
David Gates would definitely be Rhino's, so those are probably the best shot at getting a quad/Quadio release.
The Ozark Mountain Daredevils – It'll Shine When It Shines was their only quad, on A&M
Outlaws – Lady In Waiting was their only quad on Arista
Dave Mason was Columbia, so it falls under Sony now. DV has released a few from their stuff.
David Gates would definitely be Rhino's, so those are probably the best shot at getting a quad/Quadio release.
Well sadly we are seeing these artists kicking off and commercial interest in some of these albums is now fading.. This could actually make Sony more open to licensing something like The Outlaws or Dave Mason in quad. Things can change. Dave Mason is Turning 79 on May 10th. A two main front men of the Outlaws have expired a while back. We all are getting on in years.
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Nilsson should have had something arrive in quad by now because his big album has been reissued five times, and has included different sets of bonus tracks, and alternates.
This is incredibly exiting news to me. What are the four albums you referred to upthread? Nilsson Schmilsson and Son Of Schmilsson make for an obvious two-fer SACD. I imagine A Little Touch Of Schmilsson is another album from around the same time frame. Is it possible that Harry could be one of them, too? I am a total Nilsson fanatic and I would buy absolutely anything that comes out in hi-res multichannel (as long as it is a physical release!)
Dave Mason was Columbia, so it falls under Sony now. DV has released a few from their stuff.
This could actually make Sony more open to licensing something like The Outlaws or Dave Mason in quad. Things can change. Dave Mason is Turing 79 next May 10th.

Dave Mason's It's Like You Never Left is high on my quad reissue wishlist. However, while Sony still appears to retain the rights to it, they did let one of those reissue labels (Beat Goes On) do a CD release a little while back. I seem to remember someone saying that might complicate matters.