4 New Quadio releases coming in June!


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Between the Quadio ship notices and The Lexicon of Love announcement, all we need now is a DV announcement to complete a surround hat-trick.
We need Sony Japan to announce their next release in the acclaimed 7" quadraphonic SACD series as well. This just after the ordered Quadio discs have arrived.
We need Sony Japan to announce their next release in the acclaimed 7" quadraphonic SACD series as well. This just after the ordered Quadio discs have arrived.
Ugh! Totally forgot about them. Yeah... excited to see what they have next, too. Kind of expecting another Santana title from them, but open to something else, too.
I have still not been blessed with a delivery notice. Starting to feel like Charlie Brown...

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I am in the same boat. Hopefully this just means that they got so many orders that they couldn't possibly process them all in one day. I am supposed to have Pineapple Thief today so that should keep me occupied for a while.
I am in the same boat. Hopefully this just means that they got so many orders that they couldn't possibly process them all in one day. I am supposed to have Pineapple Thief today so that should keep me occupied for a while.
Yeah I’m OK with waiting. I know they have my order and I know they’ve taken my money, so it’s happening.
I'm not upset, or angry, they will all come. But they could have spent a day or two making 4-pack bundles up all ready to drop in the invoice and then sticker the address/shipping labels on them. 200 to 300 bundle orders all done and out the door on first day.

I don't understand why Rhino didn't do this in the 1st place. They offered the bundle, how difficult could it be to just se aside a few hundred sets?
I'm well aware ubertrout that certain AF titles were NOT received 'kindly....' but oh well, there are some of us who did appreciate those two releases. Every release can't be heavy metal or rock n' roll. My philosophy: shake it up and there are those of us who do appreciate diversity and WEA's QUAD catalogue certainly has enough diversity to hopefully do just that!
I buy all Laura Nyro and forgo all heavy metal.
Only the two single titles shipping notice for me also, Sabbath & J. Geils; same order number but different tracking numbers.

Seems odd they wouldn't bundle all 4 into the same shipment. Maybe as Dave said, some kind of accounting thing, but you'd think accounting and shipping would be two separate processes.
Or Sabbath was pressed/stored elsewhere? I can't see physically where my packages are yet.
I buy all Laura Nyro and forgo all heavy metal.
DITTO! Supposedly Jim Reeves remixed Laura's album CHRISTMAS AND THE BEADS OF SWEAT but it was never officially released! Hope Dutton Vocalion could locate that remix and include some more of Nyro's albums in STEREO from the original analogue masters.

Christmas and the Beads of Sweat. Columbia # unknown (SQ) (Q8)
{quad mix by Jim Reeves that was not released as listed on his website at
My Producing and Engineering Credits..., formats are assumed}
Hey Ricky @cbmmm3 , what is the Vegas over/under on the number of posts regarding shipping and receipt of the first four quads? Talk about anticipation!

Haha, I gotta admit, I am somewhat anxious. Completely unrelated, it will be legal to purchase smokable hemp products in Maryland for recreational use starting this Saturday, is the release of the Sabbath Quadio a week earlier a coincidence?
OK, I've had a couple of days to listen to all four releases. First, let me say that I do not think anyone will be disappointed in any of these (as long as you like the music!}. Any complaints are only slight nitpicking and do not have anything to do with the overall quality of the work done by Rhino.

For reference, the equipment in my listening room is as follows:

Sony UBP-X800M2 BluRay player/Yamaha Avantage RX-A1080 Receiver/HSU VTF-2 MK3 Sub/Boston Acoustics Lynnwood VR-20 front speakers and VR-10 center speaker (BA's still going strong after 26 years)/a pair of Klipsch RP-500SA II Atmos Speakers on top of the BA's (not ideal but my only option for this room)/ and a pair of rear speakers that were already built into the wall when I bought the house, so not sure of the maker of those.

For the Quadio experience, I set up the Yamaha to only play the two front and two rear speakers but I did leave the subwoofer in with an 80hz cutoff. I have also experimented with adding the other speakers with mixed results so far.

I'll review in the order I first played them:

Paranoid--nice separation with active movement in parts. In some songs it seems Ozzy's vocals are a bit low in the mix but that's not necessarily a horrible thing. The end of War Pigs is a bit different than the stereo version and I am not sure why. I think that sped up ending could have been a cool use of the quad field. It also seems that some of the double and triple overdubbing on some of Iommi's solos are not present on this mix or are more subdued. Bass and drums sound great. A winner.

Billion Dollar Babies--my favorite of the four, but it's always been my favorite Alice record. The mix is great and very active. I was surprised how many of the lead vocals seem to be centered in the rears instead of the front. Only complaint would be the drums seem to be back in the mix a bit too much and have that 70's compression on them that is the bane of a lot of older recordings. They just don't seem as alive as the other instruments. As has been mentioned in this thread by others who had earlier quad/5.1 versions of this album, there are some surprises on this especially on the original side 2 and even a different lyric on one song which I won't give away. The doo-wop backing vocals at the end of "I Love The Dead" still crack me up every time.

Red Octopus--certainly not one of my favorite albums, but this one probably surprised me more than the other three. A really good mix for the most part although there are a couple of songs in the second half of the record where maybe the original mixer got tired and didn't try as hard. The vocals really shine with lots of play between front and rear and the instruments sound great, especially Chaquico and Sears. Grace's vocals are a little harsh at times but that's just Grace.

Nightmares--this one I had never heard except for the hit single. Not a huge fan of the album as a whole but the use of quad is good but seems a bit amateurish at times. I've only listened to this one once so far so maybe it will grow on me.

I can't wait for more people to get these so I can tell how ignorant I am in my reviews.
Dynaflex what a joke!
I love Dynaflex, they are some of the lowest noise and best sounding LP's that I own. 180 gram pressings are totally unnecessary.

I don't know about Dynaflex for CD-4, I would have to check if I have any but those (CD-4) were best when pressed on JVC Supervinyl, which was specially designed for CD-4 and then latter used by the "Audiophile" labels.
thanks for your thoughts. I'm surprised that you thought BDB was the winner out of this group but hey I'm willing to be surprised. Do you have the special edition that was released ~Y2K and how would you compare the two if you do?