4 New Quadio releases coming in June!


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You could say crescendo for the end of “She’s Gone.” Hall & Oates’ vocals go up an octave or higher note. I don’t have the piano in front of me to say what notes they’re singing.

Where have we heard that there might be a Quad for this? “She’s Gone” is a quintessential 70s classic. Also, Rod Stewart’s “Atlantic Crossing” Quad? Was this a real thing. There might have been advertisements for them at the time?
I think those were wishes for what might turn up in the vaults.
It's possible that a quad mix of Abandoned Luncheonette was done, given that it was produced by Arif Mardin (who worked on the quad mixes of MJQ's Plastic People and Aretha's Live at Fillmore West) and counted the recently mentioned Gene Paul (AWB, MJQ, Aretha) amongst its engineers, and was mixed by Jimmy Douglass (Brecker Bros. Back to Back quad mix) but I wouldn't bet on it.

Back in 1973 H&O were a relatively unknown band (for a major label group) and Abandoned Luncheonette didn't set the world on fire at the time, only making it to #33 in the Billboard album charts. She's Gone was an even bigger flop when it was first issued as a single, only making it to #60 in the Billboard singles charts in 1974 - it wasn't until 1976 that it was a Top-10 hit after it was re-released on the back of the success of Rich Girl, the single from their album Bigger Than Both of Us from the same year.

The album that came after Abandoned Luncheonette in 1974, War Babies (a kind of bizarre attempt at doing a hard rock album produced by Todd Rundgren) was an even bigger flop, reaching only #86 in the albums chart. At that point, H&O's manager Tommy Mottola basically talked Atlantic into dropping the band )in exchange for three new songs that would be added to a greatest hits comp that would become No Goodbyes a couple of years later) so that they could leave and sign with RCA which is where they really got famous.

It seems to me that Atlantic didn't really even have faith in H&O selling stereo LPs, so it would surprise me if they took the time and expense to do quad remixes at the same time they were ready to dump the band, though I'd be overjoyed to be proven wrong as Abandoned Luncheonette is probably the most consistent LP they ever released.
Guess who. If we try hard enough we just might be able to come up with a routine similar to Abbott & Costello's "Who's on First?" Unfortunately, it would probably only be funny to music geeks like us and not rise to that level of fame.
We're gonna hear The Band this Saturday!

The Who?

There are only so many quad recordings out there that Rhino can make available and all of these recordings are from way back. I hope Rhino isn't worried about picking a "dud". C'mon, this is the Quadio program! We need as many of the classic quad albums that we can get. Foraging Rhino please bring on all the David Gates, Seals and Crofts, James Taylors, Joni Mitchells, Carly Simons, Randy Newmans, Gordon Lightfoots, and Eagles etc. I have a collection of old stereo review mags and most of these albums got great reviews back then. Good music is good music in any era.
James Taylor's One Man Dog would be a nice addition the head liners in a new 4 pack...
It's possible that a quad mix of Abandoned Luncheonette was done, given that it was produced by Arif Mardin (who worked on the quad mixes of MJQ's Plastic People and Aretha's Live at Fillmore West) and counted the recently mentioned Gene Paul (AWB, MJQ, Aretha) amongst its engineers, and was mixed by Jimmy Douglass (Brecker Bros. Back to Back quad mix) but I wouldn't bet on it.

Back in 1973 H&O were a relatively unknown band (for a major label group) and Abandoned Luncheonette didn't set the world on fire at the time, only making it to #33 in the Billboard album charts. She's Gone was an even bigger flop when it was first issued as a single, only making it to #60 in the Billboard singles charts in 1974 - it wasn't until 1976 that it was a Top-10 hit after it was re-released on the back of the success of Rich Girl, the single from their album Bigger Than Both of Us from the same year.

The album that came after Abandoned Luncheonette in 1974, War Babies (a kind of bizarre attempt at doing a hard rock album produced by Todd Rundgren) was an even bigger flop, reaching only #86 in the albums chart. At that point, H&O's manager Tommy Mottola basically talked Atlantic into dropping the band )in exchange for three new songs that would be added to a greatest hits comp that would become No Goodbyes a couple of years later) so that they could leave and sign with RCA which is where they really got famous.

It seems to me that Atlantic didn't really even have faith in H&O selling stereo LPs, so it would surprise me if they took the time and expense to do quad remixes at the same time they were ready to dump the band, though I'd be overjoyed to be proven wrong as Abandoned Luncheonette is probably the most consistent LP they ever released.
I appreciate this sort of information which you and others with experience in the industry have to offer, SD. Being a member of a forum such as this is (to me) first and foremost enlightening...thanks again to those of you who have such insight (and possible stories as a result of being an insider) - fascinating stuff to me at least.

As an aside, I hope no one thought I had some knowledge of a quad version of Abandoned Luncheonette done back in the 70's. I was of course simply hoping that there a) might have been one done years ago (fingers crossed), or b) might be a situation where someone such as Dutton Vocalion, etc. "works their magic" if the multitracks are available and they think it's financially feasible. Lots of if's I understand, but there certainly seems to be some interest (for what it's worth.)
Frightening to think that everyone in the fulfillment dept is suffering from bad ADHD and can’t seem to concentrate on a single order of four discs. It’s not like this was sprung on them at the last minute.
I have the same as all of you, an email shipping notice, 2 shipments, 2 tracking numbers but in 2 days, no actual shipment. Stuck on Pending in Fedex. I assume Fedex is handling the initial ship and final delivery by USPS since tracking numbers are in both systems. Let's hope the orders all get picked up today!

I do really appreciate that Rhino has continued the Quadio program with 4 great titles.

Here's the "but", the way they've handled the fulfillment process - from order failure issues on their website, to saying its shipped when only a label was created - suggests they need to up their game on order fulfillment. I don't expect them to be Amazon but there's room for improvement. A label created but not shipped until days or a week afterwards is the sort of thing one encounters from an Ebay seller, but not so much a marketing arm of WBE.

This sort of reminds me of ordering from DVDPlanet years ago which no longer does business by that name; they were part of DeepDiscountDVD. DVDPlanet was atrocious, from stalled shipping to sending wrong items to trying to get mistakes on their part corrected & re-shipped. They were just an online order site with orders actually handled by an independent fulfillment company: recipe for mistakes to happen, and they did. After several botched orders I gave up on them and bet I wasn't alone.
I believe I still have the CD-4. No way to play it these days though.

Don't have that one by JT. Do have CD-4 LP of Gorilla though. One of my fav JT songs is on that album was Mexico with backing vocals by D Crosby & G Nash. Nice tune, especially in quadraphonic!

I haven't listened to Gorilla in ages but that would be a good one for Rhino to release. I'd love to retire more of these CD4 LP's ;)

Someone ages ago in this thread said there was a quad release of Sweet Baby James. If so, that's one I never knew about in all these years; an excellent album, probably JT's best.