4 New Quadio releases coming in June!


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I love the smell of freshly ordered QUADIO in the morning
Naturally ordered the bundle
Can't say for sure yet whether I will like all of them musically, but it's important to support the cause, especially since there are probably more to come!

And, the price for all 4 is an absolute steal...
Rhino order.jpg
Hahahaha, just wanted to see everyone's head explode.
There was no overnight shipping option. :p
Actually, since you originally put yourself in that position, the onus would've then been on you to review all four titles in great detail immediately (i.e the same day). Being unable to do so, and forced under a continual barrage of pressure to fess up, you would've then suffered such an outpouring of opprobrium (in quad, of course), that your loss of credibility on the forum would be eternal, echoing forward throughout the decades (again, in quad).

You taunt us at your peril. :p
I don't think my payment is going through. After I hit the "buy now" button nothing happens. I went through it twice, first time with PayPal. Waited to see if I got an email confirmation or anything,
went back to the site, showed I had the bundle in the cart.
This time PayPal was already selected, hit "buy now" again and.....nothing.
How did it go for your purchase??
I don't think my payment is going through. After I hit the "buy now" button nothing happens. I went through it twice, first time with PayPal. Waited to see if I got an email confirmation or anything,
went back to the site, showed I had the bundle in the cart.
This time PayPal was already selected, hit "buy now" again and.....nothing.
How did it go for your purchase??
Rhino did something unusual when I used PayPal. It didn't go straight to PayPal as it (otherwise) always does, but went to some intermediary, and then to PayPal. I forget who that was as it wasn't a long delay, but it was weird. Maybe just wait longer than you usually do for the process to go through to completion?
Actually, since you originally put yourself in that position, the onus would've then been on you to review all four titles in great detail immediately (i.e the same day). Being unable to do so, and forced under a continual barrage of pressure to fess up, you would've then suffered such an outpouring of opprobrium (in quad, of course), that your loss of credibility on the forum would be eternal, echoing forward throughout the decades (again, in quad).

You taunt us at your peril. :p
I have to admit "opprobium" was not in my vocabulary. But now I have a new word to criticize with. J/K ;)
I don't think my payment is going through. After I hit the "buy now" button nothing happens. I went through it twice, first time with PayPal. Waited to see if I got an email confirmation or anything,
went back to the site, showed I had the bundle in the cart.
This time PayPal was already selected, hit "buy now" again and.....nothing.
How did it go for your purchase??
You'll probably end up with 3 copies of the bundle. lol :censored: :hi :SB