Alan Parsons to Release "Tales of Mystery and Imagination: Edgar Allan Poe" 5.1 Mix


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DONE, Adam.

I would urge you to add as many SONGLINE mch SACDs to your collection as is practical as I have them ALL and consider them sonic marvels. Some are very discrete and others ambient.....some are avant gardé, others melodic but all in all before they go OOP snatch them up .... pronto!

Excellent! Thanks Ralph.

Now, there's 5 of us put forward the sentiment...

So.. that's 8,798 QQ-ers to go..

Come on, let's bombard them with requests for a standalone 5.1 release.

They won't know what's hit them.
Excellent request, also from Gene and Dennis. Lets see what the response will be.
that fruitless. seems mind of AP&Co. been already set up on cash grab for nothing.
even if they decide to go for separate BD-A, price tag will be not much different from present. for excuse they
will throw in with BD-A couple CDs and bunch of "memorable" coasters.
i really don't know, who in right mind and normal psychic health could fork out such amount for something, he
or she can live perfectly without. 30 bucks is at top, i personally can pay for musical medium and that must be
something, i realy-realy like.
that fruitless. seems mind of AP&Co. been already set up on cash grab for nothing.
even if they decide to go for separate BD-A, price tag will be not much different from present. for excuse they
will throw in with BD-A couple CDs and bunch of "memorable" coasters.
i really don't know, who in right mind and normal psychic health could fork out such amount for something, he
or she can live perfectly without. 30 bucks is at top, i personally can pay for musical medium and that must be
something, i realy-realy like.

you're a "glass half empty" kinda guy aren't ya.. ;)

that fruitless. seems mind of AP&Co. been already set up on cash grab for nothing.
even if they decide to go for separate BD-A, price tag will be not much different from present. for excuse they
will throw in with BD-A couple CDs and bunch of "memorable" coasters.
i really don't know, who in right mind and normal psychic health could fork out such amount for something, he
or she can live perfectly without. 30 bucks is at top, i personally can pay for musical medium and that must be
something, i realy-realy like.
well, we can all live without any surround release right. Still it is a nice hobby.
Excellent! Thanks Ralph.

Now, there's 5 of us put forward the sentiment...

So.. that's 8,798 QQ-ers to go..

Come on, let's bombard them with requests for a standalone 5.1 release.

They won't know what's hit them.

Of course what we greedy little QQ scoundrels REALLY want is ALL the Parson's output released in a BD~A 5.1 boxset in mini LP sleeves for $160 list.
Of course what we greedy little QQ scoundrels REALLY want is ALL the Parson's output released in a BD~A 5.1 boxset in mini LP sleeves for $160 list.

I guess its too much to ask..:eek:
What's the state of play with other AP releases? Who owns the rights to them nowadays?
(No disrespect to the family but please don't say the Woolfson's or I'll be fucking bankrupt! Ha! :D )
you're a "glass half empty" kinda guy aren't ya.. ;)
hm, most likely not. rather more pragmatic.
over decades AP prove to be quite greedy person with plenty of "blah-blah" but nothing practical behind it.
since 1973 and his arguments with Pink Floyd over rewards and the present, seems nothing really has changed.
you're a "glass half empty" kinda guy aren't ya.. ;)
hm, most likely not. rather more pragmatic.
over decades AP prove to be quite greedy person with plenty of "blah-blah" but nothing practical behind it.
since 1973 and his arguments with Pink Floyd over rewards and the present, seems nothing really has changed.

Haha.. I'm glad you're back posting with more frequency again, I missed your sunny disposition..
well, we can all live without any surround release right. Still it is a nice hobby.
there are still coming surround releases and in my opinion from much more interesting acts, than all APP combine.
anyway, rich folk has own bad habits. including perverted ones :p
there are still coming surround releases and in my opinion from much more interesting acts, than all APP combine.
anyway, rich folk has own bad habits. including perverted ones :p

So in review.... so we all folks=perverts...I got it now....thanks Otto for adding some much needed clarity to this discussion:couch
So in review.... so we all folks=perverts...I got it now....thanks Otto for adding some much needed clarity to this discussion:couch
why people don't like to hear the truth?
that's no secret AP was kicked from cooperation with Pink Floyd after his demand to review of his pay after breakthrough success of "Dark Side". being very vocal in advocating for surround formats, how many quad/surround he did since then?
another thing, there already established long time ago exclusive market for rich snobs in real estate, cars, luxury items.
obvious the attempt to create same in music department - musical releases which creates in those, who purchase them,
illusion of exception from mass for themselves.
sure there will be such market, but what it does for cause of surround format?
everyone decides for themselves, but i'm definately not participating in such crap.
i don't see necessity to prove something i'm not and role of average Joe is just sufficient for me
I guess its too much to ask..:eek:
What's the state of play with other AP releases? Who owns the rights to them nowadays?
(No disrespect to the family but please don't say the Woolfson's or I'll be fucking bankrupt! Ha! :D )

As far as I know all the subsequent APP albums are on Arista, which was folded in to RCA, now owned by Sony.

Tad (Quadtrade) could probably chime in on this as I think he might know Alan personally, but I believe Alan wanted to do 5.1 remixes of the APP catalog during the DVD-Audio era but Sony either said no, or didn't want to put the money in to doing the mixes...something like that.

The APP catalog seems like it ticks all the boxes for the Pangeyric treatment - AP's involvement with SW (engineering on the Raven album), Sony seems willing to license out it's back catalog, the progressive nature of the music, surround friendly artist, etc etc.
It is all about the dough, cost $ to remix, to generate the packaging, someone wants to see some return.
I will ask about the rest of the catalog. For now if we want to chime in and ask for a preferred method of packaging, shout now. Here is what is going on, and if we get a lot of opinions now, we may be able to get someone's ear.

Today he told me

Mixing the album in 5.1 as we speak - just laying everything out from Hi Defs of the original analog 2-inches. Going to Capitol on Monday for 4 days.

I’ll make sure the label are informed about the opinions of you and the surround folks. The site you sent the link to is a Woolfson site I have no control over. Maybe post something there that tells people that.

If it was available on the release date as a Hi Def download, would that make you all happy? I’m not aware of any separate packaging for the Blu-ray yet.

So we have a small window here, as i can send him some stuff while he is doing these mixes, and he can directly chat with shirts from the label. I am not sure what he meant by hi res download, if he meant multichannel. I will get some clarity on that, but this is a chance to directly get opinions on how we would purchase this, to a label. If a download is available, is that an option for you? Post away a reasonable desire and what is the way you would want to see it marketed. I will gather all the posts and send them to him this week, perhaps Wednesday. Perhaps they will hear it makes better sense to market a separate bluray and market the rest of it to the superfans. I just think more sales would occur in total revenue. What do you think?
Perhaps they will hear it makes better sense to market a separate bluray and market the rest of it to the superfans. I just think more sales would occur in total revenue. What do you think?
that no brainer, regular, affordable for the masses print (in this case 5.1 Hi Rez mix as novelty wasn't available before for this album), complemented by
versions with extravaganza: outtakes, books, posters, coasters, marbles, scarfs for those, who cannot live without.
that no brainer, regular, affordable for the masses print (in this case 5.1 Hi Rez mix as novelty wasn't available before for this album), complemented by
versions with extravaganza: outtakes, books, posters, coasters, marbles, scarfs for those, who cannot live without.

I'm with 0tto on this one!
Not only did I chime in on the PledgeMusic site, I also sent an email to Paul Sinclair over at, asking him to highlight the set and the ridiculous price in a post on his website.
Some of you may remember that in the past, Paul has given some pretty ferocious opinions on certain releases' contents and prices, especially when it came to Peter Gabriel's Super Deluxe Edition for "So".
Any and all frustration that we can drum up may help them to rethink their formats and prices.
I for one am not expecting a standalone Blu-Ray release to happen at all, but if they can at least split the vinyl and the other discs (the 3 CDs and Blu-Ray) into two separate releases, then I think many of us would have a lot less to complain about.