Alan Parsons to Release "Tales of Mystery and Imagination: Edgar Allan Poe" 5.1 Mix


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Price comes out around 152 USD. That is truly hilarious after all we have been through as a 5.1 community.

What is really amazing about humans in general and our language, is that the word "NO" is almost universal.

No, I will not be supporting this offering.

When a stand alone 5.1 release is made available, call me. (y)
If it was "I Robot", the first APP I got on vinyl in 1977, or "Turn Of A Friendly Card" I'd have bought it instantly, without even thinking about it!
Price comes out around 152 USD. That is truly hilarious after all we have been through as a 5.1 community.

What is really amazing about humans in general and our language, is that the word "NO" is almost universal.

No, I will not be supporting this offering.

When a stand alone 5.1 release is made available, call me. (y)

Oh Laddie...I wonder if this was another TALES...would your response be the same:couch
This is a really hard call. I want the album in 5.1, and I think it will be a good surround mix, and I've only ever had it on CD, so I'm not that interested in it on vinyl. I have bought new vinyl LPs recently to replace old battered ones, or second-hand SQ LPs I've always wanted. At £76 its half the price of the latest Marillion deluxe edition pledge I passed on (as the last 5.1 was too Silverline-ish!). As I'm losing my job at the end of December, if I pay for it now on PayPal its paid for by then. I doubt it'll be released on a stand alone 5.1 or CD/BDA, but ........ is it worth it? Mmmm, some musing to do on this one. :confused:

Hmm.. the "trouble" (well as I see it Duncan :eek: ) is while we go musing and snoozing on (and probably losing in my case for not ordering now!) this overpriced overstuffed offering, we've all got wishlists of other things as long as yer arm..
..and looking down through my shopping list for the same price as this APP set I could get about half a dozen Surround SACDs I've had my eye on (from the likes of Telarc, Songlines, Concord, etc) that I've been putting off while they were still plentiful at retail prices but for how much longer will they be a tenner or less? So sod it, I'm gonna get them now and enjoy new (not only new to me but more recent) music to boot, for tomorrow we die! :D
Yep, there is Tales, King Crimson box set, etc. etc. as definite must gets.

A few years ago my mother was visiting, she looked at the new CD/surround shelving filling the alcoves, and said you're as bad as your father was, you just collect music, surely you can't play it wrong she is!

Hmm.. the "trouble" (well as I see it Duncan :eek: ) is while we go musing and snoozing on (and probably losing in my case for not ordering now!) this overpriced overstuffed offering, we've all got wishlists of other things as long as yer arm..
..and looking down through my shopping list for the same price as this APP set I could get about half a dozen Surround SACDs I've had my eye on (from the likes of Telarc, Songlines, Concord, etc) that I've been putting off while they were still plentiful at retail prices but for how much longer will they be a tenner or less? So sod it, I'm gonna get them now and enjoy new (not only new to me but more recent) music to boot, for tomorrow we die! :D
Yep, there is Tales, King Crimson box set, etc. etc. as definite must gets.

A few years ago my mother was visiting, she looked at the new CD/surround shelving filling the alcoves, and said you're as bad as your father was, you just collect music, surely you can't play it wrong she is!

Oh yes, all that stuff too.. :eek:

Ah I'm sure your Father was a wonderful man and you've followed in his footsteps with your passion for recorded music in all its forms.. we all get the bug from someone/somewhere/sometime.. all the older men in my family are/were big music listeners.. and my older brother, Dad and Grandad especially all have/had big music collections. I love all lovers of music, even people who like rap. Umm, well.. oh alright then, I love them too! :eek:
Price comes out around 152 USD. That is truly hilarious after all we have been through as a 5.1 community.

What is really amazing about humans in general and our language, is that the word "NO" is almost universal.

No, I will not be supporting this offering.

When a stand alone 5.1 release is made available, call me. (y)

Please consider taking the time to chip in over at their comments section with your thoughts and feelings on this subject, my friend.

It can make a difference :)
Hmm.. the "trouble" (well as I see it Duncan :eek: ) is while we go musing and snoozing on (and probably losing in my case for not ordering now!) this overpriced overstuffed offering, we've all got wishlists of other things as long as yer arm..
..and looking down through my shopping list for the same price as this APP set I could get about half a dozen Surround SACDs I've had my eye on (from the likes of Telarc, Songlines, Concord, etc) that I've been putting off while they were still plentiful at retail prices but for how much longer will they be a tenner or less? So sod it, I'm gonna get them now and enjoy new (not only new to me but more recent) music to boot, for tomorrow we die! :D

My advice, Adam>invest in those Telarcs, Songlines (especially) and Concord mch SACDs before they go OOP forever. I too am royally miffed about the Alan Parson's pricey boxset because like many others, all I want is the BD~A 5.1 as I, too, have owned Mystery over the years in many different configurations. Of course, the conundrum exists if this set does NOT sell well, it won't bode well for other Parson multichannel releases but if they're ALL going to be pricey boxsets then I'm afraid we will have a problem on our the neighborhood of a $600 to over $1K investment!

Considering that we did get 9 BD~A Quadio Chicago albums in a box for roughly the price of ONE Alan Parson's BD~A 5.1.........REALLY?
My advice, Adam>invest in those Telarcs, Songlines (especially) and Concord mch SACDs before they go OOP forever. I too am royally miffed about the Alan Parson's pricey boxset because like many others, all I want is the BD~A 5.1 as I, too, have owned Mystery over the years in many different configurations. Of course, the conundrum exists if this set does NOT sell well, it won't bode well for other Parson multichannel releases but if they're ALL going to be pricey boxsets then I'm afraid we will have a problem on our hands.

Considering that we did get 9 Quadio Chicago albums in a box for roughly the price of ONE Alan Parson's BD~A 5.1.........REALLY?

Well said, Ralphie! I will take heed of your sage advice :upthumb

Now you're a most eloquent fellow, would you please consider petitioning these Woolfson/APP chaps to release the 5.1 in a standalone BD-A or some other more palatable configuration?

Thank you kindly :)
Well said, Ralphie! I will take heed of your sage advice :upthumb

Now you're a most eloquent fellow, would you please consider petitioning these Woolfson/APP chaps to release the 5.1 in a standalone BD-A or some other more palatable configuration?

Thank you kindly :)

DONE, Adam.

I would urge you to add as many SONGLINE mch SACDs to your collection as is practical as I have them ALL and consider them sonic marvels. Some are very discrete and others ambient.....some are avant gardé, others melodic but all in all before they go OOP snatch them up .... pronto!