Alan Parsons to Release "Tales of Mystery and Imagination: Edgar Allan Poe" 5.1 Mix


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Well Red if you are of the opinion that these companies know that the surround titles are the most valuable element in these box sets...just answer one question for me...knowing they are valuable...why would they let them gather dust in vaults and not release many cases there are finished surround titles by MAJOR artists ready to go and make money for these companies...they have been sitting there for years...
Clint, are you trying finds the logic in actions of big labels?
Well Red if you are of the opinion that these companies know that the surround titles are the most valuable element in these box sets...just answer one question for me...knowing they are valuable...why would they let them gather dust in vaults and not release many cases there are finished surround titles by MAJOR artists ready to go and make money for these companies...they have been sitting there for years...

Maybe they're still scratching their heads to find something to bundle with them?:) Really, I haven't a clue Clint. Like Otto said, logic appears to be scarce among labels. There are different companies with different end games I suspect. For example, I wouldn't put AF's sacd program in with Universal's HFPA one. But I think most of us knew the Pet Sounds BD was ready to go last year, even had a release date and then *crickets*. Now it shows up as part of a much bigger package. Maybe I'm wrong and it'll show as a stand alone, but if so I suspect it may not be for awhile...until they milk the deluxe version. But who knows, I'm retired now and spend my days delving into conspiracy theories. ;)
Maybe they're still scratching their heads to find something to bundle with them?:) Really, I haven't a clue Clint. Like Otto said, logic appears to be scarce among labels. There are different companies with different end games I suspect. For example, I wouldn't put AF's sacd program in with Universal's HFPA one. But I think most of us knew the Pet Sounds BD was ready to go last year, even had a release date and then *crickets*. Now it shows up as part of a much bigger package. Maybe I'm wrong and it'll show as a stand alone, but if so I suspect it may not be for awhile...until they milk the deluxe version. But who knows, I'm retired now and spend my days delving into conspiracy theories. ;)

C'mon really don't think they could find something to bundle them with more than a decade to consider it...especially since they remaster these CD's so often...although Otto is right...trying to understand the motives behind MOST of what these companies do is perplexing...except for one basic principle...MAKING MONEY...and if they considered them a valuable(money maker) asset.... they would have been released a long time ago
I just hope that Paul's information is correct and that I won't be forced to buy a vinyl version just to get the Blu-ray disc. I can't play vinyl and vinyl-size sets take up too much room in my (limited) storage space. If I have to buy yet more "remastered" CDs to get the surround mix then it is something that I can live with (especially if they are not compressed as much as the latest remasters).
Like matt, I also hope that Sinclair's got the right info, cause if the vinyl isn't included with the CDs and Blu-Ray, that will make me one happy panda. :) :banana:
C'mon really don't think they could find something to bundle them with more than a decade to consider it...especially since they remaster these CD's so often...although Otto is right...trying to understand the motives behind MOST of what these companies do is perplexing...except for one basic principle...MAKING MONEY...and if they considered them a valuable(money maker) asset.... they would have been released a long time ago

Well, no I don't think that, hence the smiley face. I do agree it's all about the money though. If there are surround mixes sitting in vaults ready to go, it's only because they feel their production cost vs our purchasing is not a money making model. Of course all of us here disagree with that philosophy :D
But do we need the CD's ? I think everyone in this thread will have a version on CD ;-)
For me BluRay only !!!
i don't have CD. in fact i don't have any APP albums on CDs but i do have some on DVD-A and almost all on LPs.
when this topic has been started, to refresh my memory i reached for LP and it turned i have two LP of the same album.
nevertheless albeit i don't have CD i don't feel like i miss something :p
But do we need the CD's ? I think everyone in this thread will have a version on CD ;-)
For me BluRay only !!!

I'm the exception, not the rule, as I never bought any APP albums on CD.
But I'm also the kind of guy that likes having CDs as part of a surround package, cause CDs to me are like my savings account. I may not always use them, but I like having them there in case I ever need them, so as long as this upcoming deluxe set doesn't have the vinyl bundled in too, you'll never hear a complaint from me about what is included. :)
I hope Sinclair's info about a separate BD~A audio disc is accurate, likewise. A few years ago I sprung for a deluxe 2 disc RBCD set of Mystery and really don't want ANYTHING else except for the BD~A 5.1.
Aside from a high rez surround release of Tales Of Mystery And Imagination not much to interest me for purchases in surround except the Collections from AF.

Sanctuary II by Rob Reed is also a definite purchase.
Ugh is right. We all can only afford so many +$100 box sets where the 5.1 is what we mostly want. This is now an easy, easy pass for me. Oh well....
Ugh is right. We all can only afford so many +$100 box sets where the 5.1 is what we mostly want. This is now an easy, easy pass for me. Oh well....

Pretty miffed about this, I was so looking forward to it... now I guess I will have to splurge out £76 quid for ONE bloody 5.1 disc, I'm not interested enough in the rest of the contents.. hopefully they will see sense and offer a cheaper alternative to those who only want the surround mixes, which I suspect is many/most of us here but I could be wrong..