Beatles Revolver Box Set (Dolby Atmos Mix available for streaming; No Blu-Ray)


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I'm just raising my hand. I like box sets, have many. Been on this site for quite awhile and always hear people say I won't buy unless it has a stand alone disc.
I just think there are things that are cool about box sets.
I get disappointed just as much as everyone when no surround is included, I hate that.
The stereo Revolver box set is really good.
To me, most box sets have something worth owning (the original release with various updates) and a big pile of filler that won’t fit on my shelves. I really can’t get excited about all that stuff that was swept up from the cutting room floor, and I don’t need folded-up posters. Maybe I’d be interested in some alternate mixes, but not enough to spend money on them. Dual-layer SACDs are about as far as I’m willing to go, although I did buy a 4K version of “Passengers” so I could get the 3D disc.

Still not Atmos capable (maybe next year, maybe not), so it remains to be seen if I’ll buy six discs so I can have the one I really want.
I haven't bought a cd at retail price since the early 90's but I had to have this because I want to hear a modern stereo mix of the album. I bought the 2 cd version because the reports on the outakes seems to be mostly positive. I wanted to buy locally but no-one carried the cd.s. The retailers all told me they could "order it for me". Interestingly enough, they all had records but no cd's. I must admit to becoming frustrated when everyone I asked looked puzzled when I asked if they had it and I had to keep explaining "you know the BEATLES the most famous band of all time"!!!
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I haven't bought a cd at retail price since the early 90's but I had to have this because I want to hear a modern stereo mix of the album. I bought the 2 cd version because the reports on the outakes seems to be mostly positive. I wanted to buy locally but no-one carried the cd.s. The retailers all told me they could "order it for me". Interestingly enough, they all had records but no cd's. I must admit to becoming frustrated when everyone one I asked looked puzzled when I asked if they had it and I had to keep explaining "you know the BEATLES the most famous band of all time"!!!
I had the same experience and I also settled for the 2 cd set. I know that they only stock the top selling releases now days but I figured The Beatles would be considered a top release. I also assumed that they still made an effort to have new releases on the shelf on the day of release. I suspect neither still holds true. Whatever the reason, after going to a couple of places and not seeing much other than Taylor Swift cds (obviously exaggerating a bit), I retreated to my home and ordered from Amazon.
I wonder if most of the demographic that would be interested about a pricey Beatles re-issue are the consumers that prefer to stream?
I'd wager that's not the case. I'd bet that 80% of the people that would spend $100+ for a lavish box set from a band from the 1960s would be more interested in a physical disc than streaming.
Which is why they're rolling these things out as fast as they can in the waning days of physical discs. But box sets will be going the way of the Do-Do in the not too distant future too.

I don't like the rental model any more than the next guy (although I haven't actually "played' a physical digital disc in years), but physical disc lovers hold very little power in this game. There just aren't enough physical disc buyers left to make enough of a revenue difference to stop the inevitable.
If anyone's interested...
Which is why they're rolling these things out as fast as they can in the waning days of physical discs. But box sets will be going the way of the Do-Do in the not too distant future too.

I don't like the rental model any more than the next guy (although I haven't actually "played' a physical digital disc in years), but physical disc lovers hold very little power in this game. There just aren't enough physical disc buyers left to make enough of a revenue difference to stop the inevitable.
OK, so yet again (and again, and again, and again, and again, and again...) So where are the Revolver high resolution Atmos and multi- channel downloads? Nowhere...Man.
So I broke down and got Apple TV ($99 @ Amazon) and signed up for Apple Music. Pulled up Revolver 2022 Atmos mix. I would be enjoying this so much more if I had a physical copy on a Blu ray. Streaming Atmos or any multi channel mix of albums doesn't release the endorphins triggering positive feelings for me. The mix is fine but the experience of it in this manner friggin blows for me. Maybe it would be different if I been streaming/downloading music for many years. Didn't mean to poop in anyone's shoe, sorry if I did, but all I can say is meh. Time to pop in my copy of DV's Ted Nugent's Free For All Quad SACD. Thank you DV.
OK, so yet again (and again, and again, and again, and again, and again...) So where are the Revolver high resolution Atmos and multi- channel downloads? Nowhere...Man.
Again, I don't like it either. I've got thousands and thousands of CDs, SACDs, DVD-A's, BDs, LPs, etc. and I don't like that hi-rez surround versions aren't available either physically or as downloads (LOL)

But I'm not putting my head in the sand with pipe dreams and wishful thinking. Get the ones you can while you can.
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Who says I cant listen to anything new? If I want new music that’s not in surround i’ll buy the cd instead
But not surround - and that's the point of this forum. Nevertheless, how long do you think it will be before CD new releases start to go the way of surround music releases?

Q: How did CDs disappear? A: Gradually, then suddenly.
But not surround - and that's the point of this forum. Nevertheless, how long do you think it will be before CD new releases start to go the way of surround music releases?

Q: How did CDs disappear? A: Gradually, then suddenly.
LOL... CDs, DVDs Blue Rays, all extinct.

But they will still be selling vinyl in Walmart's and Cracker Barrels across the country. o_O
LOL... CDs, DVDs Blue Rays, all extinct.

But they will still be selling vinyl in Walmart's and Cracker Barrels across the country. o_O
The non-sequitur argument about vinyl. Didn’t see that coming.:rolleyes: I can think of a thousand more relevant technology analogies which strongly argue the opposite.

But keep telling yourself if vinyl can survive, so will CDs. Meanwhile, fewer hardware units are being made, the number of retailers selling discs is shrinking, inventories are shrinking, in-print items are fewer and fewer, consumers are rapidly moving to and finding the rental model not only acceptable, but preferred, etc.
Fair enough. But does “getting back on track“ include no more complaints that the atmos mix isn’t available other than streaming? It’s pretty much established it’s not.
Well, the title of the thread does clearly state "Dolby Atmos Mix available for streaming; No Blu-Ray". I can certainly understand people's disappointment, but I think we've beaten the topic to death.
ok, I've got some positivity for this thread. I wish so badly that I could've been alive in 1966 to hear this when it came out. In my mind, The Beatles were like time travelers or astronauts then. Their brains had experienced things that very few had - true explorers of human experience. Seeing much of the planet touring, meeting their heroes, pushing recording technology, influencing and being influenced by pioneering artists, etc. Of course they were very lucky to have found George Martin, but by this time their relationship with him was getting to the most symbiotic and creative it would be. They'd found cannabis a bit before, but by this time all had experienced LSD when very few on the planet had. It seems to me that this group of songs was like a glimpse into the future. Political protest (Taxman), Eastern thought and music (Love You To), psychedelia (She Said), and mature reflection (For No One) paved the way for a new cultural era. Just a few years after the simple love songs, they had jumped forward into creating art that explored the meaning of existence. "That you may see the meaning of within. It is being, it is being. That love is all and love is everyone."
66 years later, it seems culture hasn't moved much further ahead. Maybe backwards? How many songs now are just about butts? ;)
We're fortunate to have the son of the producer involved with the have Paul and Ringo still have a new technology available to separate individual instruments to allow for a more immersive have a new technology which allows for this immersive mix to be streamed into our homes simultaneously. In my opinion, Revolver is the peak of what The Beatles achieved and I'm thankful to have access to this phenomenal piece of art - in any form.