Also hoping for surround streams on these discs. For example, Serge Gainsbourg's Histore de Melody Nelson is also part of the first batch, . Not so long ago, a three disc version was released, including a dvdv with a surround mix. As this album is just under 30 minutes long, it seems as a waste of disc space to not include the surround and outtakes. Time will tell
that looks promising - and as you rightfully say for a sub-30 minute album that has already been released in 5.1 in lossy DVD-V, to be reissued on a blu-ray would be a criminal waste of all that capacity.
I'm hopeful if things like this Serge Gainsbourg have the 5.1 mix on blu-ray, more Universal artists such as Mike Oldfield, will have their 5.1 remixes issued in Hi-Rez surround on a physical format - at last!