It seems that some members on the Hoffmann thread believe that the bass on these Quadios is a bit overdone. I can see how they might feel that way, but any issue they may have is easily corrected with a judicious bass cut via the tone controls. In some cases/times I may boost the treble instead or tweek both little bit. These kinds of so called mastering "issues" do not bother me. A well mastered recording allows the listener to adjust tone controls to his/her taste and achieve excellent results. Such is the case with this Quadio set. However, no degree of fiddling with the tone controls will correct a muddy recording or one with an over-cut high end as seems prevalent on many remastered red-book CDs.
Besides, Pete Cetera plays one heck of a mean bass and I like the way Rhino brought it to the forefront. Always loved his playing on Poem 58, the bridge on Questions 67 and 68 that signature intro to I'm A Man, etc.