Like I said, my "stone knives and bear skins" de-reverb process worked because of what fell out from one of the DeMiX Pro separations. All of the excessive reverb was in the rear channels. However, the front guitar was mixed off center but won't separate without annoying artifacts. I did manage to come up with something that I like using a few tricks. Here's what the front channels now look like. The song is now a 5.1 with the center channel being a low level mono blending of the fronts to help mask artifacts...a trick that @sjcorne taught me.If no one comes along sooner, I may be able to try this closer to the end of the year or the first week of the new year. I’ve been using RX for years for voice work, but never the De-Reverb module. The computer and booth I work in is torn apart at the moment as I get ready to make some updates.
If you’re anxious to try it sooner (and no one else has it) I believe De-Reverb is part of the least expensive version and there’s a demo available. I’m not aware of any free version.

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