There have been a few alternate matrix surround encoding methods for theatrical (which then goes to home video) or encoded to home video directly such as Ultra-Stereo for optical film soundtracks, or Shure's previous HTS Surround encoder for home video encoding. Both encoders were compatible with the core DPL-1 matrix. But agreed though: the overwhelming majority of matrix encoded films or TV shows have been done with official Dolby (DPL-1) encoders. Some direct to video or videogame 2-ch audio did or do utilize DPL-2 encoding.
I've done tests on the older Neo6 decoding and can confirm the matrix decoding steering did indeed change over various iterations but both were DPL-1 compatible and was verified with test tones. That being said, both of the Neo6 decoders I had tested did not properly decode my DPL-2 left surround and right surround pink noise tests. Center back (DPL-1) decoded fine.
I was able to test DTS's neural X decoding a few years back and can confirm it does properly decode DPL-1 and DPL-2.
Unfortunately I do not have access to the latest Dolby Surround decoder ("Dolby Surround" in this given case being the latest upmixer / decoder bundled with Dolby Atmos) and would be very surprised if the newer Dolby Surround decoder was not at least compliant with DPL-1. There have been wildly conflicting reports on the Dolby matrix decoding accuracy. Has anyone used actual test ID tracks to confirm that it is Dolby DPL-1 compliant? And for DPL-2 decoding have DPL-2 tests checks been tried vs using QS test tones? I can provide the needed audio checks to anyone interested.
I've done tests on the older Neo6 decoding and can confirm the matrix decoding steering did indeed change over various iterations but both were DPL-1 compatible and was verified with test tones. That being said, both of the Neo6 decoders I had tested did not properly decode my DPL-2 left surround and right surround pink noise tests. Center back (DPL-1) decoded fine.
I was able to test DTS's neural X decoding a few years back and can confirm it does properly decode DPL-1 and DPL-2.
Unfortunately I do not have access to the latest Dolby Surround decoder ("Dolby Surround" in this given case being the latest upmixer / decoder bundled with Dolby Atmos) and would be very surprised if the newer Dolby Surround decoder was not at least compliant with DPL-1. There have been wildly conflicting reports on the Dolby matrix decoding accuracy. Has anyone used actual test ID tracks to confirm that it is Dolby DPL-1 compliant? And for DPL-2 decoding have DPL-2 tests checks been tried vs using QS test tones? I can provide the needed audio checks to anyone interested.