Hi again folks, a little update:
Although Sony may not have seen your petition, I was certainly aware of it and the enthusiasm for these being issued on a high res format. In fact we do owe Sony our gratitude - they basically fired their regular authoring house from the job (after a pretty poor effort) and have taken a leap of faith in delaying release and trusting me enough to have "my guy" Neil do the job instead - politics in major companies does not often allow for these kind of things to happen, so respect to them for that.
A couple of other things:
- the mixes on the DVDA (including the new stereo mix) are flat transfers - unlike on the CD, no mastering has been done, EQ, limiting or compression.
- I took the opportunity to reconsider and to scrap the idea of the alternative Tarkus running order, so the stereo bonus material now appears at the end of a new mix of the complete album including that classic Are you Ready Eddy (-;
The 5.1 remixing work has taken a bit of a backseat to my own music for the last year (the 2 ELPs were done last Summer, release schedules take a while to catch up), but I have just finished a mix of another classic 1972 album, not progressive rock this time - news on that soon I hope.
Thanks for the update Steven. You are the best! I took the liberty of "promoting this post to an article" which now will appear on the front page of the forum home page, as well as in the listings of new posts, because many members may miss this nestled here in the ELP thread.
We are so lucky to have found Neil and then Steven to keep the 5.1 HiRez fires burning. Without these guys, we'd be lucky to get a Dolby Digital $100 box now and then, and that would be about it. Here's to more great stuff from Steven and Neil!