1K Club - QQ Shooting Star
Just received my copy of the Last Waltz 4K disc and will be watching it later.
Just noticed you were in Evanston! (We might have discussed this previously; my ADHD is terrible.) Not only was I born there; I went to high school there, and consequently spent a lot of time there both during and after school. What a town.Just received my copy of the Last Waltz 4K disc and will be watching it later.
Just received my copy of the Last Waltz 4K disc and will be watching it later.
The picture quality of the new 4K disc is quite good imho........you do notice some graininess from time to time but it's not too bothersome.........the audio even seems to be better than on the original Blu ray.
This is what I thought too - why? But I guess if anyone can nail such a task, it's Steve-o. Will have to check it out at some point.My original reaction to a remake of the 1960's classic was APATHY but feel Spielberg has delivered a more than worthwhile updating of the original and the music and clever witty lyrics from Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim, respectively, seem more relevant than ever in a world gone MAD!
This is what I thought too - why? But I guess if anyone can nail such a task, it's Steve-o. Will have to check it out at some point.
Another sale on, movie-fiends: Kino Lorber | Experience Cinema
Same here - now there are another 14 on the way! Gotta hit the shops today for more plastic storage boxes to keep them all safe in + hard drives for the gargantuan back-up task ahead.Thanks for the update but I still have a boxload of unopened KL BD~Vs.........
Same here - now there are another 14 on the way! Gotta hit the shops today for more plastic storage boxes to keep them all safe in + hard drives for the gargantuan back-up task ahead.
Nice! It's jolly hard to resist such low prices. The 2 4K's I picked up were Silence of the Lambs and The Apartment.Er, I spoke too soon. Purchased 4 Native UHD4K discs from KL: SPACEBALLS [$13.99], THE GREAT ESCAPE [$15.99], SOME LIKE IT HOT [14.99] and HARD TARGET [$15.99] and qualified for FREE S/H. I also have David Cronenberg's Native UHD4K disc of EASTERN PROMISES coming from Deep Discount [same price as KL's current sale price].
Nice! It's jolly hard to resist such low prices. The 2 4K's I picked up were Silence of the Lambs and The Apartment.
Red Rocket trailer looked interesting and it's on the list!The Academy Awards are being broadcast tomorrow night...after last year's FIASCO, wonder if they'll be 'entertaining' this year? I did watch RED ROCKET the other night on BD~V and my reaction was not the critical 'darling' it was made out to be. A REAL slice of Americana, Texas style, and a LOT of the actors were non actors and did a great job but I do think it could've used some judicious editing. Definitely worth a look and you may find it more enjoyable than I did. The BD~V was a bit soft and the lead, Simon Rex does get on one's nerves after awhile but as a former model/porn star, did prove he 'has the goods' if you know what I mean? From the director of The Florida Project and Tangerine.
I don't know whether to thank you or curse you. (Thank, obviously!)Another sale on, movie-fiends: Kino Lorber | Experience Cinema