@4-earredwonder why you sad i enjoyed a film with my daughter, a film my daughter wanted me to see?my daughter has become obsessed with Elaine May, so we are screening
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@4-earredwonder why you sad i enjoyed a film with my daughter, a film my daughter wanted me to see?
Actually, my dear Clement, I prefer Elaine May's A NEW LEAF over the regrettable mess that was Ishtar..........and I was always a fan of Mike Nichols and Elaine May's comedy routines.
One of the great classics. I only have it on DVD 2.0 Japan import. I guess I should upgrade!a real princess of a film with a solid 5.1 mix!
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http://undertheradarmag.com/reviews...ess Mononoke is a must,Away a few years later.
I love Elaine May! I have the vinyls of Exam Doctors and Improvisations to Music.@4-earredwonder why you sad i enjoyed a film with my daughter, a film my daughter wanted me to see?
I love Elaine May! I have the vinyls of Exam Doctors and Improvisations to Music.
My Heaven's Gate journey sounds the same as 4-earredwonder's. It got its hooks in me and gets a spin every couple of years. It really makes you feel like a part of it, like watching The Deer Hunter.You're probably right. Would love to see the NEW DIRECTOR'S CUT OF ISHTAR for a reappraisal of a film I haven't seen in years. Having perhaps much in common with another way overbudget production, Michael Cimino's HEAVEN'S GATE ..... a film, which upon initial viewing was tedious and self~indulgent but after I watched Criterion's fantastic restoration [restored from the theatrical 149' cut to Cimino's original 216' cut] a few years ago, I gained a new appreciation for Cimino's sprawling 'vision!'
EDIT: Regarding Clement's ISHTAR Post #1169, I removed theand replaced it with
...thus restoring Peace in the Valley