Reactions from 2ch land HERE...special props to Adam(fredblue) for surviving over there..
SHTV is not only where I found this news, but it's also where I found the news about the upcoming reissue (with surround) of "Idlewild South".
It might have also been where I found news on the upcoming "Loaded" box set too, but I'm not as sure about that one. I might have seen it on IMWAN first.
So what I'm basically trying to say is that even SHTV has its usefulness every once in a while…![]()
thus leading to my current surround sound addiction and financial ruin.
I take it that the 5.1 mix will arrive on DVD-A and not simply be DVD-V for this, makes some sense since the mix was high-res, and the artist and producers know what they want and what they are doing.
But I am surprised that it's not a BluRay included rather than DVD-A? Has Warner Music Group issued other DVD-A titles lately, in a box set, or as stand-alone product?
It's hard for me to keep up with what is a dead format, or is on life support, or is alive and well?
I know I should shut up and just enjoy what is coming out. But it does seem that DVD-V, DVD-A, SACD, and BluRay are all being utilized somewhere and on some releases right. None are totally dead really. How odd, that they all died, but all are alive still (other than DualDisc which really is over).
WOW, didn't see this one coming.
I know I should be happy that we can just get these 5.1's some how but its killing me how they package these things.
Why couldn't we just have a cd\dvda package or cd\bluray and not have to pay $100 for one album.
Great isn't it!
After this years staggering number of surround releases and the resulting impending financial ruin :ugham:
, all us addicts will need is a full size 5.1 speaker and surround system and a tarpaulin over the lot to stay dry, :51banana: the heat from the amp will keep the space warm! :bounce17
Lets all go broke together..!
It will be worth going bankrupt if the end result is all the 5.1 and Quads of everything ever actually being released..! :ugham:
There is a "surround" buzz going on in the industry, can't you just feel it...
I've spent over 2 hours listening to Tusk today...what great memories come to mind...and since I haven't listened to it for awhile it seems "fresh"...because most of these songs weren't the hits you heard on the radio for years..