Florida hurricane


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It all sucks. I've been through three hurricanes in 13 months, the last one did some damage to my home. The chance of getting repairs before the next one are nil.
Gloom, despair, and agony.
Selfish me says anywhere but here. On the other hand, my Daughter lives in Bradenton, so I don't want it for her either.
The thing is, although closer range forecasts are fairly accurate, the long range (speaking several days even) sometimes are not. We've barely escaped a few bad ones here in the past, but the odds have stacked against us in the last year.
With insurance being what it is in Florida now...(thank you dear Governor for your awesome help) :unsure: I truly hope none of us get affected badly.
Tighten down and hang on, or DD out if you need to. I traveled for Idalia and Helene, do it again if I feel I need to keep us safe.
Clinty, time to RELOCATE to

I thought he was already there. What?! Something silly in a member profile?
It all sucks. I've been through three hurricanes in 13 months, the last one did some damage to my home. The chance of getting repairs before the next one are nil.
Gloom, despair, and agony.
Selfish me says anywhere but here. On the other hand, my Daughter lives in Bradenton, so I don't want it for her either.
You have had it really bad and I hope you get a chance to recover. I've been in a lot of these storms and I have evacuated in the past when the building I lived in wasn't safe. It's a judgement call based on past experience and luck...everywhere you live there are some threats...people in California have had their share of dangers over the years...earthquakes...land slides and most recently fires...my niece lives in Kansas and tornadoes are a constant threat...then there is freezing rain in the midwest and life threatening extreme weather...
You have had it really bad and I hope you get a chance to recover. I've been in a lot of these storms and I have evacuated in the past when the building I lived in wasn't safe. It's a judgement call based on past experience and luck...everywhere you live there are some threats...people in California have had their share of dangers over the years...earthquakes...land slides and most recently fires...my niece lives in Kansas and tornadoes are a constant threat...then there is freezing rain in the midwest and life threatening extreme weather...

Mob hits in New Jersey...
You have had it really bad and I hope you get a chance to recover. I've been in a lot of these storms and I have evacuated in the past when the building I lived in wasn't safe. It's a judgement call based on past experience and luck...everywhere you live there are some threats...people in California have had their share of dangers over the years...earthquakes...land slides and most recently fires...my niece lives in Kansas and tornadoes are a constant threat...then there is freezing rain in the midwest and life threatening extreme weather...
Best of luck to you and to all Floridians who are in the path of yet another hurricane Clint.

I have a close friend who lives in Tampa who just informed me he packed up and left ….For his second home in North Carolina…which had left last Tuesday because of no electricity..they will be on generators now for a while..a long recovery road ahead for many that are affected.

Stay safe.
The thing is, although closer range forecasts are fairly accurate, the long range (speaking several days even) sometimes are not. We've barely escaped a few bad ones here in the past, but the odds have stacked against us in the last year.
With insurance being what it is in Florida now...(thank you dear Governor for your awesome help) :unsure: I truly hope none of us get affected badly.
Tighten down and hang on, or DD out if you need to. I traveled for Idalia and Helene, do it again if I feel I need to keep us safe.
This year is forecasted to have the most storms in recent memory...don't tell anybody but I have a secret plan...I have the blueprints for Gos's house...he's away all the time and I could sleep in the garage
This year is forecasted to have the most storms in recent memory...don't tell anybody but I have a secret plan...I have the blueprints for Gos's house...he's away all the time and I could sleep in the garage
But if you recall Clinty, a scant few years ago GOS' garage flooded and his beloved 20+ pound feline Lamar was in therapy for a year


Photo by the artiste known as GOS
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Don't forget the medical waste that washes up on the beaches...those syringes really turn off the tourists...and then there is the raw sewage :rolleyes:
And we’ve gotten hit with a few hurricanes, too.

Then there was that Halloween snow storm that took out power for 3 days to a week.

In summary, Mother Nature has no friends.
This one will be directly in my path....projected to be Cat 3 when it hits..125 MPH winds..funny thing is the power was lost today for a few hours because a transformer blew...I think the power lines are even afraid this time.

This one will be directly in my path....projected to be Cat 3 when it hits..125 MPH winds..funny thing is the power was lost today for a few hours because a transformer blew...I think the power lines are even afraid this time.
I'm in Ft. Lauderdale, and we're expecting tropical storm conditions from this storm. Severity will depend on where the storm makes landfall. We're already getting some heavy rains, not related to the storm, but this means flood conditions, in parts of both Miami-Dade and Broward Counties, are inevitable. Our power lines are mostly underground, so that means we're less likely to lose power. It can still happen, though. I'm in a third floor apartment, so flooding won't affect me much; this part of town is less likely to flood than parts closer to the beaches. In anyevent, anyone in the path of this storm, PLEASE take all the necessary precautions, heed evacuation orders, and STAY SAFE!
I'm not going to leave....I'm in a concrete block Condo built in the 70's...my real concern is that I live on the top floor and 125 mile winds could blow those tiles off the roof...the roof could be damaged, or those tiles could end up being projectiles which end up in my bedroom.
Remember, the higher up you are, the more intense the winds will be. Be careful!
I've been thinking about this flying tile potential problem @Clint Eastwood . Perhaps if you get a few of those inflatable mattresses and find a way to put them on the windows...they could act as a airbag if anything breaks the window and comes through.

Of course, sheets of plywood would work best, but I don't think that your landlord would appreciate you drilling holes into the walls to anchor them.