HiRez Poll Gilmour, David - LUCK & STRANGE [Blu-ray Audio (Dolby Atmos)]


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Rate the BDA of David Gilmour - LUCK & STRANGE

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  • 1: Terrible Content, Surround Mix, and Fidelity

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Oct 31, 2008
Middle TN
Please post your thoughts and comments on this brand new album from David Gilmour entitled "Luck and Strange", his first album of new material in 9 years!
The album has been mixed in Dolby Atmos and is available on Blu-Ray Audio disc.

(y) :) (n)


Crumbs, I am really not used to being the first to post on a new album! I received the blu-ray yesterday and had the opportunity to listen today in my car. I only have 5.1 systems, both in the car and at home, so I cannot comment on the Atmos mix I'm afraid. I have not voted yet, as you will be able to see, as I should like a few listens first. My first thoughts are that, apart from David Gilmour's wonderful and unique guitar playing, the sound of this album is a bit different, not bad just different to me. I am very familiar with Rattle That Lock and this is not the same. I think the drums might be the main difference but will need to get properly acquainted with it first. Also, in 5.1 the main action appears from the front and feels less immersive sonically than I had anticipated although the songs are clearly thoughtful. The Barn Jam is fun! I look forward to seeing how other QQ friends hear this album in Atmos. It is possible that it does not fold down in the same way as other album Atmos mixes. However, I do believe that the music comes first followed by the way the mix delivers it. Unlike Floyd albums which I knew well before hearing them in surround, I need to appreciate the music and mix at the same time with this album.

I am immensely fortunate to have a ticket for one of David Gilmour's Royal Albert Hall gigs (9th October) and, needless to say, I expect this to be one this year's highlights (I say 'one of' because my daughter is getting married later this year so I'm having to be very careful with my rating system!).

I shall vote in a week or two.
I have listened to the album once, on Tidal, because it was there (if you know what I mean). It feels like an album that one needs to take time to get to know, in a relaxed way. Including the mix, which is enjoyably encompassing. I couldn't help thinking that this is an album that will almost certainly sound better in a lossless format (even if I have to put up with holding that ugly cover in may hands!). So, I know I'm going to like the album and the Atmos mix, and will now wait for it to arrive physically before I post any further comments of a review nature. Except to say, yes, I agree with above, the barn jam is great! And on first listen, rather a highlight. (I listened on 5.1.4 BTW.)
David Gilmour is Dman.

I was slightly nervous in how David was going to approach his latest release.

Well my concerns were not warranted because this is a beautifully crafted album.

The song 'Sings' is magical. It must be because it made me get out of my comfy chair and stand in the middle of my man cave and gently sway to the total brilliance of the song.

I will never tire of playing this gem.

This is by far my most awaited surround release in 2024.

Just listening it for the 3rd time in 7.1... and already considering to update my system to Atmos.

Fantastic album overall. Songs are done with care and love. Gilmour's guitar is as good as ever and Between The Point where his daughter is singing is one of the best tracks he has released during his solo career.

The mix is perfect in my opinion. Plenty of stuff going on in the surround channels but not distracting at all from the music itself.

Solid 10 for me.

Can't wait to hear this live in Rome in barely 2 weeks!! I really hope he does a surround concert like Waters is doing recently.

No doubt that Gilmour is one of the biggest musicians of our generation.
I love the songs, are not fillers, on the contrary are some of his best ever. I'm not liking the Atmos mix though, and I expected it to be amazing at least; I know I will be in a minority but that's how I feel; but I will listen over and over 👂🏻 I hope to prove myself wrong at some point 🙏🏻
But for example please listen to the guitar solo of "between 2 points": is not located anywhere in my room, I hear it smeared (I don't find a better word) all over the place; not behind me, neither over me or in front. I hear far more movement in plain stereo. Musically I'd rate 10...
2 more things to consider: I of course like the bonus tracks... But why not ALL the bonus tracks available on the box set (I have the standalone disc)? Commercial choices that I will never understand. And... As expected in the Atmos era they're getting rid of 5.1 mixes; I am very sure that a 5.1 mix would have worked better for this album, like for too many cases is already happening.
By the way I want to delay my final vote for now

Anyone else sharing my feelings for this release?
Anyway David in Rome live is gonna be the definitive mix. See you there

ok now after another day of listening my opinions don't change. Crazily good guitar solos as we expect from him; good songwriting (not stellar), Atmos mix is disappointing. It's a 7 for me
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Had a chance to give this 3 listens. The material is musically great. The mix is uneven. The title track has problems with the lead vocals being pushed back in the mix and is fairly front heavy. I don't know if this was an artistic choice to sound sonically similar to the 2ch, but when you have a center channel you can use to emphasize vocals it's just a mistake to do this IMO. Some of the other tracks do a nice job utilizing Atmos, while others feel too conservative. And keep in mind I'm one that will forgive a less aggressive mix like One Deep River or Hackney Diamonds where the material, at least to me, doesn't lend itself to an aggressive presentation. Unlike those examples I feel that there is enough going on here to really make a room filling and engaging mix on each track, but it doesn't always happen. Still when it shines, it does shine. The low end foundation is solid. Though, like I said in the album thread I can't shake the feeling that there is some compression happening here. Not egregious, but it does feel like it lacks the air of his other solo works.

I gave it a 9. Anyone who appreciates David's solo works should be very pleased with it. And Yes I Have Ghosts bonus track sounds wonderful in Atmos.
Loving it, and I can tell there's lots of listening spins in store here revealing yet more musically for some time to come.

Presentation: I always felt Anton Corbjin was a little overrated, but that's OK, I can cope with his pretentiousness. And why is the waterfall on a loop of a few seconds so that we keep seeing the same Goddamn splashes over and over? Couldn't you just have let us have 60 mins (or however long the album is) of splashing water, ai Anton? :D

But what the hell, ten.
I dig the simple packaging and that price is outstanding. This is the best solo studio album of his career. The album deserves repeated listens and does not fatigue. By the way, how great is “Shatter”? If I was still programming music on the radio “Shatter” would go straight in to heavy current = 4 spins a day
David sounds good. He always sounds good! The mix sounds good. That's about it. Nothing out of the box here at all. No Floyd-like surprises in the music. No Floyd-like surround mix moves. Just bluesy stuff that doesn't suck and mixed pretty well. Listened in the full 7.1.4. Barely worth turning on all the amps.
I just got this delivered and listening now it obviously sounds way better (folded down to 5.1 on my system) than what it does on Tidal. Lovely production, sound and has a “feel” to it that’s really nice. Between Two Points is outstanding and a real ear worm. Scattered is epically good. It’s got good extras and the packaging is really nice. 9
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IMHO It is not even remotely a reference in terms of surround sound. For me only luck and strange (original barn jam), A single spark and scattered (orchestral) has the level of discrete sound what I expected. In the main album it seems to me that everything is too concentrated in the front ones and with very little separation of channels. My vote is 7