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  • 1: Terrible Content, Surround Mix, and Fidelity

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i never got round to getting those last two on CD-4/Q8, what's 'wrong' with them? 🤷‍♀️

edit: the sound quality of the Quads on this 2-fer.. phenomenal.

In Adam~Speak.....a 10?

I likewise gave it a solid 10. It's that good. In fact, this latest batch of 7 discs including 4 two~fers and bonus tracks on the remaining SACDs was, IMO, uniformly excellent.

I wish I was a student at D~V High!
i never got round to getting those last two on CD-4/Q8, what's 'wrong' with them? 🤷‍♀️

edit: the sound quality of the Quads on this 2-fer.. phenomenal.
Supposed to be double stereo. I want 'em anyway. You get a hi rez stereo version anyway, the weird quad is just a bonus.
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In Adam~Speak.....a 10?

I likewise gave it a solid 10. It's that good. In fact, this latest batch of 7 discs including 4 two~fers and bonus tracks on the remaining SACDs was, IMO, uniformly excellent.

I wish I was a student at D~V High!

yes a "10"!
really fantastic, i think this is my favourite of the GW DV releases so far!! (which i was not expecting because i enjoyed the old CD-4's of "#10" and "Road Food" so much) more more!!!
Yea but you could see this as a problem for DV releasing discs with known subpar quad mixes than having a new customer complain about them or give bad press about these releases. I would prefer DV concentrate on the good ones until they run out of what is available.

yeah i can see that pov as well.. maybe this topic needs a thread? i just realised we're in a hole in a Poll! 😆
Just received my copy yesterday, giving this a solid 10. I had forgot how great these guys sounded, and this 5.1 release has terrific sonics and surround. The second album (Share The Land) in the twofer has much more bass/warmer sounds (to me), really shows a difference between the 2 releases. This will be a top shelf release for me, I can see me using this to show friends the awesomeness of surround sound.
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Back on the review track here: This is a great disc. Firstly, these master tapes are never going to sound better. Most of us have heard conversions of the Q8's by some of the best converters, and frankly some of them are amazingly good, considering the source was an 8-track tape. Some of them, not so good! :)

Fortunately Michael Dutton swooped in to save these relic recordings from the time dumpster and now we have them in the best quality they will ever see and we will ever hear.

Face it, these recordings are not up to par with modern stuff. I judge all surround audio against things like "Kamakiriad" and "Morph the Cat". This material is not that quality, but when you crank it up you can really feel an analog groove and hear the songs like they could never be heard from that old Q8.

The surround mixes do get a but gimmicky in places, but I LOVE IT!! I'm used to it, so when the guitar bounces from speaker to speaker, or the background chorus does the same, it's fine with me. And it's not overdone. Some tunes are just standard mixing.

Some of these tunes are burned out in my head. I love them of course, but I've heard them so many times that I really can't enjoy them the way I once did. Sure, it's great to hear them revitalized, but after a few times I skip and go to the stuff I never player that much. For instance, I really am liking hearing "Three More Days" turned up real loud. Some serious panning going on in there. I also like to crank "Coming Down Off the Money Bag" and "Moan for You Joe". These are tunes that never got airplay so they're still a bit fresh in my brain cells, and they sound great here.

So, for me, this is a 10. It's not DSOTM, It's not "Morph the Cat" - it's not supposed to be. As I've said a hundred times here in the forum, the votes are not a competition. This disc is great, is sounds great, the tunes are great, and it's an incredible value. How can it not be a '10'?

One more thing. I, er We, really should thank our lucky stars that Micheal Dutton exists on this Earth. If it were not for him, all of these amazingly great quadraphonic albums that he's released would have been lost in time, the only signs of their once existence being crude conversions of 50 year old tapes and LPs, put together on desktop computers by fans of varying skill sets.

How this all came about is probably an interesting story that should be told sometime, but we have the proof in our collections, cracked jewel cases and all, that Dutton-Vocalion is doing more to rescue quad recordings from the graveyard of forgotten material than any other company in the world.

Bar None!

Thank You Micheal. And I really mean that.
Some of these tunes are burned out in my head. I love them of course, but I've heard them so many times that I really can't enjoy them the way I once did. Sure, it's great to hear them revitalized, but after a few times I skip and go to the stuff I never player that much. F
The only Guess Who songs I knew until buying Vol 1 4 years ago was 'These eyes' (a vague memory) and American Woman. So for me it's great to discover all the other Guiess Who stuff ... and in Quad! :51QQ
Received mine today. It looks like either the master tape boxes were not marked correctly or someone is playing a little revisionist history.

American Woman, No Time and Do you miss me Darling? all have a channel location errors. On the first two, the solos do not spin around the room rather they begin in the back and crawl to the front.

"American Woman" should have the jangle guitar in the rear center, "picked" guitar front center; congas in phantom left and "thump" drum in phantom rights. Solo should spin anti-clockwise. Swapping right channels front to back cures this.

"No Time" should have the jangle guitar in front center, the strummed guitar in rear center. Solo should spin anti-clockwise. Again, swapping right channels cures the error.

"Do you Miss me Darling" has the "front" channels in the left and the "rear" channels on the right. Piano strikes at the end should echo front to rear not side to side.

I thought I was having a stroke, but I verified these against my Q8's. Funny thing is, not all songs have a channel error. As far as I can tell, these are the only three songs I noticed that were a little off.
Received mine today. It looks like either the master tape boxes were not marked correctly or someone is playing a little revisionist history.

American Woman, No Time and Do you miss me Darling? all have a channel location errors. On the first two, the solos do not spin around the room rather they begin in the back and crawl to the front.

"American Woman" should have the jangle guitar in the rear center, "picked" guitar front center; congas in phantom left and "thump" drum in phantom rights. Solo should spin anti-clockwise. Swapping right channels front to back cures this.

"No Time" should have the jangle guitar in front center, the strummed guitar in rear center. Solo should spin anti-clockwise. Again, swapping right channels cures the error.

"Do you Miss me Darling" has the "front" channels in the left and the "rear" channels on the right. Piano strikes at the end should echo front to rear not side to side.

I thought I was having a stroke, but I verified these against my Q8's. Funny thing is, not all songs have a channel error. As far as I can tell, these are the only three songs I noticed that were a little off.

Hmmm I kind of noticed on mine odd placement of things, lead vocals in the rears for example, Is that correct? It still sounded great so I just assumed that’s the way the mix was intended. I just did a quick listen to a few songs yesterday will listen more in depth this weekend.
Vocals are kind of placed in the center of the listening space, the same with the bass and practically the same with the drums (though the drums are emphasized a bit in the rears) so it's really hard to tell where things go. But the solos should spin smoothly from speaker to speaker without any jumping around.

I'm going to give it another listen tonight and take notes. I think another song had an issue where the guitars should be in the front corners and the keyboards in the rear.