Here it is: the JCQS-440 A.F.V. also known as the Wurlyscope.


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Details, details. Now your gonna tell us that The Beatles weren’t from London.....right? Can’t fool me.

Verily I say unto you, @Soundfield is correct. Link Publications put this out not BBC. I captured undecoded all 4 sides at 24/96 4>5 years ago. That was the last time I looked at the album. This was played from the digital file. So, my brain fart, my bad didn't do on porpoise.
Details, details. Now your gonna tell us that The Beatles weren’t from London.....right? Can’t fool me.
You probably know more about The Beatles than I do. I think I may have heard something of their's once.
I think it should be in the center and a cutout in the shape of a heart. With a red LED behind it. A red bass beating heart...

Anyway here's a Q&D vid that shows the Wurlyscope in the differential mode. The track is taken from the QS side of the BBC Quadrafile record & then played back through the SMv2. Visually it confirms the SM is doing a great job of fast high separation decoding from an LP source:

View attachment 69126
Very nice - definitely want one of this funkometers when you have the next batch!!
Can you get it to do X-Y Lissajous patterns? Like at the beginning of the Rush video "Vital Signs"...

Last but certainly not least, Wurlyscope S/N 8 has finally landed in the UK! I‘m amazed how well it works - Jean is a genius! Here it is in action:




HI, just a little note to inform you that preliminary work is now done.
As a result, i started designing the mk-II model and it will have more channels and more options including inward-outward direction and full wave display.
Also the power supply will be completely different so the unit will be powered by a standard 5v reg adaptor plug.
I hope to be able to show you a prototype before christmas! 🎅
More details soon :cool:
JCQS-440 mk-II progress status.
I decided to build this version using modules because parts of the circuits are duplicates and modules are easier to troubleshoot.
Presenting a 3D rendering of the first module: amplifier module.
This module will incorporate all the special functions.
It will generate and control all signals sent to the display board.
4 of these modules will be necessary for the mk-II.
amplifier module.jpg
Does anyone filmed the JCQS-440 in action with some interesting music and visual?
Here is short video Akai cr-80d-ss playing my home recorded 8 track of Bill Brent's Involve encoded quad mixes Sansui QSD-2 decode, Differential/Normal/Differential mode toggled. The Involve decoder has more seperation and image stability than Sansui but can sound a bit lifeless when recorded onto blank 8 track cart for some reason. Haven't been filming but definitely enjoy watching with all music.
Presenting: the main display pcb V2.0 3d rendering.
i'm now working on the 4 identical modules that will be plugged in the 35 pin connectors.
There is only1 LM3915 located in the lower left corner. It will be used for the 0.1 channel.

Interesting! Trying to work out how this will look – is the circular quad display (ch1 -4) split up by a cross display of ch 5 -8 or is the quad display uninterrupted but surrounded by four arcs representing ch 5-8?
Interesting! Trying to work out how this will look – is the circular quad display (ch1 -4) split up by a cross display of ch 5-8 or is the quad display uninterrupted but surrounded by four arcs representing ch 5-8?
You guessed right! It is the same 4 channels blue quad matrix as the mk-I, plus a bi-color (blue/red) cross display for 5-8. The cross will also show interactions between cross segments and their two adjacent channel.
All LEDs will be clear an on 4mm clear support so their color will not show unless they lit.
The PCB will be black.
The surprise is the 0.1 channel displayed all around. It will light up the matrix display in red from behind.
On this board you only see the logic controls of the matrix. The discrete equivalent of the 8 channels comparator/drivers will be located on the 4 modules. Only the 0.1 channel use the LM3915 in bar graph mode.
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