Yep....and by the way, everything I said is from personal experience.Yes, that DRP it's all that's out there and it's not available to the general public. AND you would have to manipulate the files quite some to get it to play from what I read online, etc, etc.Dolby's model is restrictive, pure "chokepoint capitalism", like Benn Jordan says in the video posted above. A different model, open source that would scale perfectly to whatever system it plays (quad, stereo, 16 channel, 30 channel, whatever) would probably pick up in time if the content is there and if Google is behind it. The manufacturers hate paying fees to Dolby and they'd be excited to adopt a free version of spatial, with a solid standard. This multiplicity of standards in existence now is just ridiculous.
If you use computer playback, the software could do ALL and much more than what an AVR is doing. It could also transmit the audio through USB audio, PCI-E, etc, without the restriction to HDMI. What we have as options today for stereo would be there for spatial and that could change things!
I DO use a pc for playback. The key is using an app that will bitstream to your AVR. Two I use, as I said are PowerDVD and VLC. PowerDVD has an edge, as it will bitstream MP4/M4A with no complaints, and the AVR does the decoding.