How we gonna play our discs in the next future?!


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I was thinking the old Oppo DV-970HD was my first universal player (was my first Oppo) but actually it was the old Samsung HD841. Then I bought the Samsung HD941. The 841 was DVI > HDMI, and the 941 was the next model, I think, and was straight HDMI. I gave the 941 to my stepson a long time ago who promptly sold it. Should have gave him the 841. :unsure:
Ah well when you gift something you owned and once treasured, you do so and just let it go.
Yes...just hope that they use it / keep it. Most younger people today would just look at our 'stuff' and see it as just that....'stuff'. ah well is right....
I gave my 50 year old Daughter a 7.1 AVR I had no further use for. She uses it for stereo only, which is fine. At least it's seeing some use.
I offered her a Blu Ray player but she said they really had no use for it. Not sure they even buy CD's, and all movie watching is likely from subscription services like Netflix, etc.