In the absence of a poll...
Mix: 5/5: Clear, discrete, sensible placements, sound all around, panning, interestingly quirky at times but never gimmicky. A lively mix which fits the music perfectly.
Sound: 4/5: Sounds great, but all-electronic music rarely has a chance to be as breathtaking as something organic might be, so it's not a 5. Also, might have been nice to have a dedicated .1 channel.
Music: 4/5: I suspect in stereo I would hardly care but it's great fun in hi res surround.
Above comments are for the live video. I have only given the 'album version' a quick check so far but it does seem to be the same except no crowd. (It's a little shorter because there is an intro and an outro to the video which are not part of the concert and not in surround.) I will prob listen to the audio-only version from now on as the video can get a little tiresome.
Weighted score: 5*3 + 4*2 + 4= 27/30 = 9/10. Given that this has video content and a making of (plus 97 mins of French-only interview) this is a top disc.