Jon Anderson releasing new surround material ("Olias of Sunhillow" upmix out in March!)


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The cover fits the whole homemade vibe along with the mix. This is like homemade fan fiction where they actually got Jon Anderson himself to star in it.
I'm using the software from the mouth of the beast itself. Present some evidence of a lossless null please! Render and encode a 7.1.4 mix with the Dolby Renderer and Dolby media encoder, decode it back to wav with the reference player, and null it against the master mix. Or if the claim is that Dolby's software is flawed, then what 3rd party gets it right?

I think they're relying on some FFT work to assist in nulling the objects back out of the bed. And this is not lossless! Similar to how center extraction works. ie. You can't do that passively with MS tricks. You need FFT assisted tricks.

Sorry, didn't mean to open this can of worms! Well, I didn't open it... But that's why I laughed! Orgillian197 is correct. This is very near lossless. It really does sound identical in A/B to me. Anyway, show me the files, show me the perfect null, and show me the software that did it. If you can. :)
I just think any complaints should be focused on the decidedly lossy Dolby Digital version because it flat out doesn't work well enough.

If I pipe the output from the renderer back to the DAW it nulls against the master. It's the encode to mlp step where it goes lossy. Just in case someone wants to distract with "But the objects!". A 7.1.4 mix off the board nulls with stems delivered to the renderer and having it finish the mix.

Anyway, we can't prove negatives. But null tests fully nulling are matter of fact. Show me the nulls and tell what software did it, please. 8 channel TrueHD encodes null 100% with the originals, FYI. With literally the same media encoder app.
Well it was good for a laugh!
Just a side note - Jon Anderson's new album True is released today, Aug 23. I am sure most of us seek a physical edition of this new Jon Anderson album as it has been completely mixed in Dolby Atmos and has a real throwback sound to the progressive 70's. Although it is less likely Frontier Records will issue a Blu-ray version with the Dolby Atmos mix, I think they could be persuaded to offer a download through a site like IAA. I strongly suggest contacting the label and letting them know that you are seeking a physical release, I have done this by sending an email to [email protected]
Here's a review of the album by a man holding his chin.

I stumbled across the live videos of Jon with "Band Geeks" covering Yes songs a little while ago. It sounded like a young student band. Decent level of competency and like it was all the top students from the class or something but it was very very stiff like you might expect from something like that.

Guess I'll have to track down this new Atmos mix and see what this is all about!
This sounded 'stiff' to you?

Modern day Yes should be so 'stiff'

people still obsessing over the supposed audible hit from lossy vs lossless Dolby :rolleyes:

people who won't buy an album (by a pretty famous artist/band no less) because the cover is tacky :rolleyes:

(it was designed by Jon's daughter, fwiw, and yes, it's awful)

The Band Geeks as currently configured are really the Band Geeks + Chris Clark. The BG's -- Rich Castellano's band -- have had a Youtube channel for years, covering all sorts of classic rock, always with finesse, often with guest players -- Chris was one such, brought in for their 'Close to the Edge' cover. Rich C. has had a professional gig playing with Blue Oyster Cult for years too, so playing with 'real' rock stars like Jon Anderson is not new to him. Chris's previous gigs included the John Entwistle Band, and much more recently playing ferociously difficult jazz fusion wth the likes of Percy Jones and the late John Goodsall in Brand X .

Many, many years before any of that, I met Chris in college in NYC and we started a prog cover band. He's classically trained, a ferocious prog rock fan, and knows his Yes backwards and forwards; our band covered Siberian Khatru, Starship Trooper, Heart of the Sunrise, Tempus Fugit, All Good People -- toe-tappers like that, along with stuff by ELP, UK, Crimson, Mahavishnu, Argent well as whatever was actually popular in the early 80s -- Police, Clash, Bowie, the pared-down pop-prog that Yes , Genesis, Asia peddled then....there wasn't a thing Chris couldn't play (and he'd happily play an Allan Holdsworth guitar solo on keyboards if you asked him). We've stayed in touch over the decades, gigging/recording together again on very rare occasions, and attending the odd Yes concert. I couldn't be more delighted that he's living his dream now. I've seen JA and the Geeks/Chris once on the previous tour, and will be attending their last show on the current one. If you like Yes music, they are a must-see.
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I listened to True on Spotify the other day. I really enjoyed it. If they were to issue a physical disk with a surround sound mix I'd definitely buy it.