This thread deserves a BUMP. Check it out Quad fans, it's full of scans of releases you will NEVER see in real life.
Oh, ho ho!! Challenge accepted.

This thread deserves a BUMP. Check it out Quad fans, it's full of scans of releases you will NEVER see in real life.
Thanks for sharing thouse rare tapes and infos!
Japan released 8 Elvis Presley quad LPs. The question is if Japan also released all 8 titles on quad8 tape? I have no info on the following titles:
From Elvis In Memphis (1969), Recorded Live On Stage In Memphis (1974), Today (1975) and Promised Land (1975)
No one is probably left working there that would have any knowledge of that anymore.I think it is also very strange that all the japanese Elvis collectors I know have no knowledge about those Q8 tapes. Maybe I should write to RCA/Sony Tokyo...
Hi, can you help me? I've no experience in those tapes, only vinyl. What does it mean: 4 Channel Stereo? Stereo recording with 30kHz carrier like the vinyl records? Or are they real 2x (sides) 4 track like on a Quad wheel tape?Kind of a shameless excuse to bump this thread (which I think is one of my more informative ones) to add photos of this demo tape, which just showed up on eBay.
It has the same tracklisting as DT-901 and DT-902, the only difference is the label - DT-901 is Victor, DT-902 is JVC Nivico, and this one is just JVC. These tapes came with JVC/Victor Q8 decks - I think 901 was probably for Domestic Japanese machines, while 902 was for anything exported outside of Japan, while 903 replaced 902 after the company completely rebranded their foreign operations from Nivico (Nippon Victor Company) to JVC (Japanese Victor Company).
DT-903 - 4 Channel Stereo Demonstration Tape
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"4 Channel stereo" was just another of the myriad of terms used for 'quadraphonic'. 4 tracks, no carrier involved (the tape cartridge couldn't have reproduced 30kHz anyway).Hi, can you help me? I've no experience in those tapes, only vinyl. What does it mean: 4 Channel Stereo? Stereo recording with 30kHz carrier like the vinyl records? Or are they real 2x (sides) 4 track like on a Quad wheel tape?
Dave, Thanks for putting this together. It helped fill in some holes and corrections to titles in my discographies.