Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band – The Traveler Blu-ray Pure Audio w/Atmos and 5.1 mix out on 8/30 2019


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I have tried to cancel my order at Acoustic Sounds. The only way to do that is to call them. None of the phone numbers work and there is no way to cancel on line. WTF

Sorry to hear that.

I did cancelled my order with Acoustic Sounds friday by phone, ordered the same day with amazon and received the blu-ray on sunday.

Very weird.

ugh.. WT-flaming pie!! 😱
disappointing.. i only setup an account with AS to get this disc and its cost a packet so far in discs i didn't really 'want-want' because of their "international terms of business". double ugh! 🧐

You could probably cancel your order today, Adam, as we in the US 'celebrated' Labor Day and I'm sure AS' offices were closed from Friday through Monday. No use buying discs you don't remotely want to comply with AS international order minimum!
ugh.. WT-flaming pie!! 😱
disappointing.. i only setup an account with AS to get this disc and its cost a packet so far in discs i didn't really 'want-want' because of their "international terms of business". double ugh! 🧐


Can you buy this on Too much cost for shipping to the UK? I can help you if you want, pardon my ignorance.

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As I often do, I feel ignorant of music. I had never heard KWS, until this QQ thread. I listened on Tidal, really liked what I heard, and can’t wait until my Blu-ray arrives tomorrow.

His first two cds are very good imo. His guitar style is similar to Stevie Ray Vaughan, at least on those two first cds. I haven't heard this latest so I don't know how it compares. After his first two cds he started to gravitate to a hard rock style which didn't interest me. I don't believe he sang on his early records but the singer in the band was very good. I believe he recorded an album and toured with Steven Stills recently too.