King Crimson - Heaven & Earth box set (18CD / 4 BD-A / 2 DVD-A)


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Tim, Ryan and I helped on this one (QC). It is a monster and the bluray discs are chock full to the brim with content. This thing is massive.

And got credit too!
Where have you been RT, I have been wondering.

All I will say is that family/personal issues have forced me to take a backseat on the forum for the time being, but I'm always still lurking around, speaking up when necessary. It's just good that we still have this forum to partake in, and hopefully there will be more good releases to enjoy throughout the second half of this year!

Should've had Duncan proof read it!✍

Glad to see Jon Urban was among the disc testers.💿
I wouldn't! I is an inginear enginear engineer
...…………………….. I had to be taught to write English properly by my PhD tutor, who was Greek! (mind you even though he was a Physicist he spoke/wrote Greek, French, English & Arabic!!)
And got credit too!
I always say this and I'll say it again; it IS an HONOR to be among my QQ brothers/wizards/"enginears" as part of the team... this time I played a small part but it's always great to see your name(s) in this list.. especially for such a legendary/seminal group which I hold in my highest regards (it IS my favorite group!... have never met Fripp though .. cause I have nothing to say to him except.. "I admire you greatly".. maybe I should meet him this year in Denver and tell him)
Anyone having a problem extracting the ProjeKct X Heaven & Hell Hi Res Stereo from the ReconstruKction Bluray

Was able to get the 5.1s and the stereos of all the rest on Both new KC releases - DVDAudio Extractor would not see it - MakeMKV recognized it and made the MKV file but AudioMuxer would separate to flacs but only put the entire album on 1 track - the last track with the rest of the tracks being 2KB each . Tried a few times each the same. The disc plays everything fine. :unsure:

Let Snood know 🤗
Using MKV and the latest Music Media Helper I've extracted the files from the BDA (which is just full to the brim with music :LB ). I hope they're the right ones!
I won't get a chance to listen until my mother is better and able to cope on her own during the week, so I can be at home with a surround system blasting away.
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I'm currently travelling, and have only been able to listen to the stereo remix of TCoL.
Very nice sounding remix overall. I'm impressed at how powerful this material has become with the switch to acoustic drums.
I started listening to the title track and FraKctured, being my two favourite tracks of the album. At first, I was a bit concerned about the way Belew's and Fripp's guitars interlock, which has been blended more in the remix, while the two contributions were far more separate in the original mix. On top of that, I had the feeling that Pat was playing in parts in which there were originally no drums. Anyway, those are minor concerns, and when I moved to Prozac Blues and Frying Pan I realised the remix was incredibly powerful and effective. The same applies to Lark's IV and Oyster Soup. At the moment, I am loving this album like I never did before, not even when I first purchased the original CD. Thumbs up for me, and I am really looking forward to hearing the surround mix!
My copy won't be delivered til on or around the 19th........makes me wonder what the delay is since the real release date was the 7th not the 14th as Barnes and Noble claims.